Swagelok® gas distribution plans help improve facility safety and reduce downtime

Swagelok provides a complete set of services and subsystems designed to help comprehensively optimize critical gas distribution systems in industrial facilities.

Solon, Ohio-(December 2, 2020) Swagelok, the world's leading provider of fluid system products, components and related service solutions, announced the launch of the Swagelok® gas distribution program. The new plan provides a complete set of services and fully engineered subsystems to help improve the safety and uptime of gas distribution systems in industrial facilities.

Maintaining excellent performance throughout the entire gas distribution system poses certain challenges to operation, because non-intuitive system design or components that cannot be inspected may make service difficult. For example, leaks may be ignored or left unresolved, putting operators and equipment at risk, leading to system inefficiencies, and negatively impacting corporate profitability.

Swagelok provides a gas distribution plan including services and subsystems to alleviate these challenges. Swagelok’s gas distribution experts can conduct a comprehensive assessment of the company’s existing gas distribution system, find and identify any potential leaks, improve system performance and provide simplified maintenance services. Later, they will provide feasible suggestions to improve the existing system design, or explain how to use standardized Swagelok gas distribution subsystems to overcome these challenges.

The existing Swagelok subsystems include:

Swagelok® Air Inlet: These components establish a reliable, highly configurable connection between the high-pressure source gas and the rest of the distribution system

Swagelok® Gas Panels: These easy-to-maintain modular panels ensure that the source gas is delivered to its destination at the correct flow rate

Swagelok® switching devices: These automatic subsystems switch from one air source to another for uninterrupted supply

Swagelok® points of use: These components provide a convenient way for technicians to accurately adjust pressure to meet equipment needs.

Swagelok experts work with customers in industrial facilities to understand their operations, and then configure, assemble, test, and deliver gas distribution subsystems that meet their requirements. These subsystems are clearly labeled, easy to understand and use, and easy to troubleshoot and maintain.

By eliminating potential leaks in existing systems, or integrating easy-to-use and maintain subsystems, industrial companies can reduce the risks to their team members due to poor gas distribution systems. Solving leaks and design issues can also help them avoid process downtime or efficiency loss, while reducing costs associated with wasted gas. In addition, relying on Swagelok fluid system experts to configure, assemble, and test the gas distribution system can free up more company engineering resources while reducing the labor requirements of maintenance personnel.

As needed, Swagelok can provide professional, practical gas distribution training programs to provide appropriate support to the operations team so that they can maintain revenue through the Swagelok gas distribution program.

For more information on the Swagelok gas distribution program, please visit https://CN/services/design-assembly/gas-distribution-systems

About Swagelok

Swagelok Company is a privately held company with a market value of approximately US$2 billion, providing leading fluid system products, components and services for the oil and gas, petrochemical, semiconductor and transportation industries. Swagelok is headquartered in Solon, Ohio, and serves customers through more than 200 sales and service centers in 70 countries and 5,500 employees in 20 manufacturing plants and 5 global technology centers.

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Automatic Heat Sealing

There are many products classified in this section of Automatic Heat Sealing. They are focused on folding packing with Automatic Heat Sealing for garment at last. Attention: The following garment are applied to this auto folding packing machine. Like, garment designed with many accesories, too thick coat,suits t shirts.

All machine include the following function:

1.Within the allowable value range, the folded length and width can be adjusted as you want.
2.The machine can automatically detect the length of garment, when the garment size is different, machine can intelligently identify and automatically fold according to the first folding length, so as to ensure the uniform folding length without changing the polybag. Clothes of different sizes can be folded into uniform sizes and packed into bags.

3.Machine will calculate the number of completed pieces automatically, and the alarm function for multiple
garments can be set up.

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