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Then turn on the power and rotate the manual control potentiometer P1. At this time, you can control the forward and reverse rotation of the actuator. The actuator rotates in the "open" direction. The green LED on the circuit board is on and turns in the "off" direction. The red LED is on. If the above conditions do not match, disconnect the power immediately and check that the connection between the motor and the positioner is correct.
2) Adjustment of Dead Zone
The dead zone of the positioner has been adjusted before leaving the factory. If precise adjustment is needed, this can be achieved by adjusting P3. Turning the P3 dead zone counterclockwise will reduce the dead zone. If the dead zone is too small, the actuator will oscillate, and if the dead zone is very small, the actuator may only turn in one direction.
3) Adjustment of zero position of regulating valve mechanism
Place the manual automatic switch on the GAMX-D circuit board in the “Auto†position. When the input signal bit is 4mA, the actuator is in the lower limit position. If it is not in this position, release the potentiometer pressure plate and turn the potentiometer slowly. The mechanism follows the rotation until the pressure turns "OFF" toward the limit switch, and the light emitting diode LED is just extinguished, and the potentiometer platen is tightened again.
4) Full-scale adjustment
When the input signal is 20mA, the actuator should be in the upper limit position, otherwise adjust the 100% potentiometer P2, then the actuator follows the turn to the pressure “ON†limit switch, and the LED should just be extinguished.
5) Description
Terminals 3 and 4 are actuator output signals. No external power supply is required. The output impedance is 300 Ω maximum.
6) The executive agency changes from positive to negative
a. Exchange circuit board terminals 16, 18 wiring
b. Exchange circuit board terminals 11, 14 wiring
c. Exchange motor aviation plug 2,3 wiring
7) Remote Control Switch Operation
When the positioner is turned off, the GAMX-D can be used to switch the actuator.
Short 8-9 terminals = turn off the positioner;
Shorted 9-10 terminal = off operation;
Short circuit 9-11 terminal = open operation;
All the protection circuits, signal display and position feedback signals are still in active working condition.
Regulator valve integrated actuator commissioning
1) Determine the direction of rotation: Turn the handwheel to the middle 50% of the valve Kai, disconnect the connection between 8-9-10-11, and put the automatic hand switch on the circuit board in the "manual" position, The local manually controlled potentiometer P1 is pre-rotated to an intermediate position.