Dongting Lake finless porpoise death death experts said the possibility of poisoning and electrocution

Dongting Lake finless porpoise successive death experts said the possibility of poisoning and electrocution diesel generator | diesel generator price / 2012-04-18

In the past month, finless porpoise deaths have occurred continuously in Dongting Lake. As of April 15, 12 finless porpoises have died. Why did the cute finless porpoise die and what happened to him during his lifetime? With the Dongting Lake across the river from Hubei Shishou City Swan Island Conservation Area, dozens of finless porpoises live well?
Yesterday (April 17th) morning, experts at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Wuhan Baijiba Museum’s laboratory conducted an “autopsy” on the finless porpoise that died in Dongting Lake, hoping to uncover the mystery of the death of the finless porpoise and find out how to protect it.
Lively attack: rot makes "autopsy" more difficult
At 8 o'clock the evening before yesterday, trucks carrying the bodies of finless porpoises arrived in Wuhan from Yueyang. At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, the experts dissected the body for three hours. Dr. Zheng Jinsong, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, responsible for anatomy, said that highly rotted finless porpoises have increased the difficulty of autopsy and the entire testing process has been difficult.
Outside the laboratory, the reporter heard a strong smell of rancid far away. The experts in the operating room could only continue to screen those sites that had been rotted to a lesser extent and obtain specimens. At 12 o'clock in the morning yesterday, the finless porpoise was initially completed. Apart from the specimens obtained were kept in special experimental containers, other finless dolphins were subsequently buried on the spot.
Out of the lab, Zheng Jinsong has been locked in a brow. The highly rotted carcasses have severely damaged the internal organs of the finless porpoise. In addition, the swift reproduction of the finless porpoise's own intestinal bacteria has made it difficult for experimental personnel to find the source of infectious diseases. Zheng Jinsong said that the next step will be to conduct pathological analysis of the specimens to determine whether the finless porpoise died of poisoning and find out the source of the poison.
Cause of death: The finless porpoise has no signs of weight loss
As a volunteer of the Yueyang City Finless Dolphins Conservation Association, after receiving a report on the death of the finless porpoise on April 9, the vice veterinarian professor Xie Yongjun of the Yueyang Vocational and Technical College rushed to the scene of the accident. Through the fight with the fishery authorities, he was allowed to dissect three dead finless porpoises. "Anatomy found that the finless porpoise has no food in the digestive tract and no injuries." It can be inferred that the finless porpoise is likely to starve to death. “A series of rains brought forward some time ago brought the finless porpoise into the shallow water of the reeds. Near the water level dropped, the finless porpoise ran aground.” Xie Yongjun said that the starvation of the finless porpoise may be related to this.
However, Zhao Qingzhong, director of the Wuhan Baiji Dolly Museum, after completing an anatomical experiment, found that the finless porpoise’s posture was not marked by signs of wasting and there were no signs of struggle. This meant that the finless porpoise was not starved for food or starved to death.
Expert Analysis: Possibility of Poisoning and Electrical Fish
On April 14, the number of dead finless porpoises found in Dongting Lake reached 4 in a day. The fishermen who participated in the salvage incident questioned that the finless porpoise may have been poisoned by such intensive deaths. After completing the anatomy, the expert also said yesterday that according to the current situation, the finless porpoise is more likely to be poisoned or electrocuted.
Zhao Qingzhong believes that in the Dongting Lake region, high rates of schistosomiasis and sand-blasting and snail-repellent drugs have caused rain to flush drugs into the lake, causing pollution within a certain range. He said that after poisoning, the finless porpoise suffers from poor appetite and rots faster after death, which coincides with the preliminary conclusion of “Autopsy”.
However, Zhao Qingzhong also stated that except for all the finless porpoises, except for the two finless porpoises that had obvious injuries, the others had no obvious scars, and did not rule out that the finless porpoise died of suffocation, which meant that it might have been corroded when people used the grid to catch fish. The finless porpoise caused a number of finless dolphins to drown and eventually died in groups.
Why did the Dongting Lake finless porpoise die? Experts said that it is still an inference, and the final conclusion remains to be analyzed in the near future on the "autopsy" data, as well as in-depth testing of relevant specimens.
Reporter visited Wuhan White Dolphin Museum
The finless porpoise is examined once a month
From time to time, from time to time, dive, sometimes on the surface of the water. Yesterday, the reporter saw in the Wuhan White Dolphin House that seven black finless porpoises were swimming and playing. They were flexible and constantly changing their directions and postures. The breeder introduced that in order to accurately monitor the status of the finless porpoise, the staff will do a physical examination of the finless porpoise for approximately one month. “The physical examination includes blood test, B-ultrasound, and appearance inspection. It mainly monitors the growth of the finless porpoise.” Wang Chaoqun, a finless porpoise trainer, told reporters that the finless porpoise in the museum mainly feeds small squid and a finless porpoise eats 1 kilogram of small fish. A day's food intake is about 4 kg, and the water temperature in the hall will be adjusted according to the changes in the season.
Taking into account the impact of daily medical examinations on the life of finless porpoises, domesticators often first understand their living conditions based on the habits of finless porpoises, and they will immediately take measures if they are found to be abnormal. "For this reason, domesticated personnel must be closely associated with the finless porpoise." Wang Chaoqun said.
Shishou Swan Island finless fish card
Protect emergency mechanisms to prevent hidden dangers
Shishou Changjiang Cygnus dolphalis nature reserve is a state-level protected area. Not long ago, a finless porpoise in the reserve was also exposed to danger because of improper diet, fishbone card throat. However, the protection zone initiated emergency mechanisms to eliminate hidden dangers in time.
Yesterday morning, Zhao Qingzhong, the director of the Wuhan White Dolphin Dolphin Museum, who had just completed the “Autopsy” of the finless finless porpoise died in Dongting Lake, was ready to leave for Shishou Swan Island to review the finless porpogues of the fishbone's throat. Zhao Qingzhong said that at present, our province has established a complete set of emergency mechanisms for the protection of finless porpoises to ensure that relevant personnel master the first aid knowledge of the finless porpoise.
Hu Lianghui, director of the management office of the Swan Island Conservation Area, said that nearly 40 finless porpoises have been growing up in the protected area and there is no ship or noise in the reserve. The surrounding people regard the finless porpoise as a baby.
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