Yu Yang et al. used benzyl hydroxamic acid as a collector to study the relationship between the floatability of Shizhuyuan wolframite , scheelite and fluorite with flotation time by batch flotation test. The basic principle of flotation kinetics was used to analyze the flotation dynamics of scheelite, wolframite and fluorite. The results show that the K value of the flotation rate constant is constantly changing during the flotation process. The modifier citric acid can significantly increase the difference between the mineral floating speed. Citric acid can be used as a selective regulator for the preferential flotation of the wolframite. The reason is that the adsorption of citric acid on the surface of the wolframite is not strong and it is difficult to hinder the benzene. Hydroxamic acid adsorbs on its surface; at the same time, citric acid can selectively complex Ca2+ ions on the surface of scheelite and other calcium-containing minerals, resulting in the reduction of active particles on the surface of minerals and collectors, which inhibits mineral floating. Based on the original classical dynamic model, the general form of the velocity-flotation dynamics equation is derived through appropriate improvement. The fitting accuracy of the velocity-dividing model to the flotation data is better than that of the classical dynamic model. Research suggests that asynchronous flotation technology can achieve mineralized and differential flotation. On the basis of the related asynchronous flotation separation research on the relevant asynchronous flotation separation, the regression analysis and artificial neural network are used to establish the relationship model between different process conditions and mineral floatability change, which is encountered in solving the flotation modeling process. The multivariate, nonlinear, strong coupling, large lag and other problems provide reference for the optimal control of the flotation process. The results show that the factors affecting the cumulative recovery rate of mineral flotation are Time>pH>hydroxamic acid>citric acid. For the prediction of flotation index under different process conditions, the prediction accuracy of the regression model is poor. The correlation coefficient R2 between the predicted value of the cumulative recovery of scheelite and wolframite flotation and the experimental value is 0.805, 0.827, respectively. The network model has better prediction accuracy, and the correlation coefficient R2 is 0.944 and 0.947, respectively. The results of artificial mixed ore separation have a good consistency with the single mineral flotation rule. The neural network model established by the application has certain significance for better grasping the floating law between different minerals and optimizing the flotation process. Guangzhou Research Institute of Nonferrous Metal, Beijing General Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Shizhuyuan Hunan Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. and other units after ten years of research and development of conventional "Petrov Law" has been improved: the combination inhibits The agent replaces the single inhibitor water glass, strengthens the inhibition of sulfide ore and calcium-containing gangue minerals; does not perform dehydration and de-doping operation after heating, and directly dilutes the flotation at room temperature, which greatly simplifies the heating selection operation and avoids more The metal loss during the secondary dilution, and the calcium-containing gangue minerals have been in a strong inhibition state, so that the tungsten minerals are in a good activated floating state, thereby improving the grade and recovery rate of the tungsten concentrate. Liu Hongwei studied the effect of lime, sodium carbonate and water glass on the surface dynamic potential when adding scheelite, fluorite and calcite at room temperature. The chemical calculation by flotation solution showed that the surface potential of scheelite was added. The positive shift is very small, and the lime-dissolved components Ca2+ ions and CaOH+ ions adsorb less on the surface of scheelite; the positive potential shift of fluorite surface is significant, and with the increase of lime concentration, adsorption is difficult to achieve saturation, fluorite surface adsorption A large number of Ca2+ ions and CaOH+ ions make the surface potential of fluorite surface higher than that of white tungsten surface; the surface potential of calcite surface also shifts positively, which is smaller than that of fluorite, but the addition of lime keeps calcite high. The surface dynamic potential is much higher than the dynamic potential of the white tungsten surface. On the basis of adding lime, sodium carbonate was continuously added, and the negative potential of the surface potential of scheelite was not obvious. The adsorption amount of sodium carbonate dissolved components CO32-ion and HCO3- ions in scheelite was very weak. The surface potentials of fluorite and calcite surface showed a significant negative shift, indicating that a large amount of CO32-ion and HCO3- ions were adsorbed on the surface of fluorite and calcite. On the basis of adding lime and sodium carbonate, the water glass is continuously added. The negative potential shift of the surface of the scheelite is very gentle, indicating that the adsorption of water glass on the surface of scheelite is very small; the surface potential of fluorite and calcite is significantly negatively shifted. It shows that a large amount of water glass is adsorbed on its surface. The order of adsorption of water glass on the mineral surface is: fluorite > calcite > scheelite, which is the product of the total concentration of calcium ions T[Ca2+] and the total concentration of SiO32- ions T[SiO32-] in the three mineral solutions. The order of the sizes is the same. This explains the reason why the water glass has a strong inhibitory effect on minerals in the flotation test. Ma Liang studied the interaction between calcium-containing mineral particles and bubbles. It was found that for scheelite, coarse particles have good flotation effect under small-sized bubbles, and fine particles have good flotation effect under large-size bubbles. For fluorite, fine The flotation effect of the particles under small-sized bubbles is good, and the recovery rate of fluorite is significantly higher than that of scheelite and calcite at low pulp concentration and small size bubbles. Under the condition of a certain concentration of collector, for scheelite, calcite and fluorite, when the grain size is 38-74μm, the flotation recovery rate decreases with the increase of mineral density; when the grain size is 10μm~ 38μm, bubble size is 50μm, 58μm, 65μm, the order of three mineral flotation recovery from high to low is: calcite > scheelite > fluorite, and from a single mineral, calcite at 58μm bubble size The flotation effect is best when smectite and fluorite are the best when the bubble size is 65μm; when the particle size is 0~10μm, the gas content of the slurry is lower, the flotation effect of scheelite is higher than that. Fluorite and calcite are better; when the slurry gas content is higher, the recovery rate of calcite decreases with the increase of bubble size, and the difference between calcite and scheelite increases with the increase of bubble size. slowing shrieking. Reducing the concentration of the collector, calcite still has a good flotation effect, while the flotation recovery rate of scheelite and fluorite is more obvious. The interaction of calcium-containing minerals with bubbles forms a bubble cluster through three steps; and there is an optimal bubble size value and particle size value during the action, so that the capture probability P value is optimal; the flotation rate constant K follows the bubble As the diameter decreases, the flotation rate constant decreases and the flotation rate constant K increases as the current intensity increases. Deng Haibo et al studied the cohesive behavior of fine-grained slime and tungsten minerals and the effect on flotation separation. The EDLVO theory calculated that under the hydrophobic system, the total EDLVO potential energy of tungsten minerals and slime VEDtotal is negative, according to the second thermodynamics. The law states that cohesive behavior occurs between fine-grained slime and tungsten minerals. The theoretical analysis of the ion hydration free energy ΔGh on the mineral surface and the theoretical analysis of the positive and negative values ​​of the mineral surface potential, combined with the actual test results show that the surface potential of the main mineral fluorite in the slime is positively charged, and the surface potential of the tungsten mineral is Negative electricity, due to the interaction of electrostatic forces, mutual coagulation between different types of mineral fine particles, making selective flotation separation difficult. Xiao Liang conducted a mechanism study on the high-efficiency selective fracture of tungsten ore. The study found that different grinding media have different grinding effects. Steel forging has a protective effect on fine-grain grade ore. The compressive strength of standard specimens and irregular ore blocks of tungsten ore is compared by pressure test. The results show that the compressive strength of irregular ore blocks increases with the decrease of mass of ore. The compressive strength-particle size polynomial is fitted by orthogonal polynomial to obtain the tungsten ore compressive strength-particle size polynomial: σ pressure=1.594-0.191(D-5.165)+0.054(D-5.165)2-0.008(D-5.165 ) 3. The theoretical and basic research of tungsten ore flotation has laid a foundation for the long-term development of tungsten ore dressing industry, and has important guiding significance for the production practice of tungsten minerals. It also provides strong support for the step-by-step breakthrough of tungsten ore dressing technology. . Epp Insulation Box,Small Insulated Boxes,Expanded Polypropylene Insulated Container,Epp Insulated Container,EPP Taizhou Tianma Plastic Products Co. LTD , https://www.tianmaepp.com
Other basic theoretical research on tungsten ore flotation
In addition to the study of the interfacial properties of tungsten minerals and flotation reagents, there are some advances in other basic theories.