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Smart meter - how much do you know about it?
Electric meters are the most common measuring instruments in people's lives. The history of electric energy meter can be traced back to the late 1970s. The development process can be divided into three phases: inductive (mechanical) electric energy meter, pulsed (electromechanical) electric energy meter and electronic (multi-function) electric energy meter.
According to the structure and working principle, the energy meter can be divided into inductive power meter and electronic power meter. Electronic meters can be further divided into all-electronic energy meters and electromechanical pulse energy meters. According to their use, they can be divided into active power meters, reactive power meters, maximum demand meters, rate meters, and multi-function meters; The installation of wiring can be divided into: direct access and indirect access (via transformer access); which due to the different measurement circuits, usually divided into single-phase meter, three-phase meter and three-phase four-wire meter.
With the development of science and technology, electric meters have gradually developed from electronic to intelligent. Multi-rate meters, prepaid meters, carrier meters, IC card meters, etc., have become widely used in the market.
In addition to the metering function of the basic electricity consumption of traditional energy meters, smart meters have two-way multi-rate measurement functions, user-end control functions, and multiple data transmission modes for bi-directional data communication in order to adapt to the use of smart grids and new energy sources. With functions such as functions and anti-tampering functions, smart meters represent the future direction of intelligent terminals for energy-saving smart grid end-users.
As part of the economic stimulus plan, National Grid identified the development plan of smart grid in July 2009. 2009-2011 is a pilot phase for planning, focusing on the overall planning of a strong smart grid, carrying out key, basic, and common technology research, piloting technologies and applications, and accelerating the UHV power grid in 2012-2015 as a comprehensive construction phase. Urban and rural distribution network construction will initially form a smart grid operation control and interactive service system; 2016-2020 will lead the upgrade phase and build a unified “strong and smart gridâ€.
Currently, in the market, the most widely used is the power carrier meter used by the national grid. The meter is connected to the collector through wires, and the collector uploads readings to the remote copy server through GPRS. The user can view the daily usage of his home through palm power. Electricity. Most manufacturers that provide this solution and product directly cooperate with Guodian.
Secondly, the second largest group is the smart meter that is connected to the network using the 485 bus used in large buildings. The collector is connected to the 485 bus, and the collector is converted to TCP/IP to connect the network directly to the server.
In addition, many youth apartments, white-collar apartments, and hotel-style apartments often have wifi meters and gprs meters, which are connected directly to the wifi in the apartment to copy the server.
The real sense of smart meters - Internet of things smart meter (NB-IoT meter), the application of the market is relatively immature, well-known domestic mobile phone brand cooperation with operators in R & D, NB-IoT meter can pass NB- The IoT network directly connects servers remotely, realizing "smart".