Uw plastic drainage plate in any depth of excess pore water pressure, Uw, = Uw, (Zt); pressure duration; smearing ratio; diameter ratio. Formula (1) is the basic equation for radial consolidation of sand drains. According to the basic assumptions, the initial and boundary conditions of the equation under positive and negative pressure conditions: 2 The solution of the model According to the boundary conditions and the initial conditions, the partial pore system differential pressure differential equation can obtain the excess pore water pressure in the drainage plate under positive and negative pressure: G well resistance factor. 3 Calculation of seepage flow 3.1 Drainage plate seepage flow The discharge flow of each drainage plate is obtained by integrating the depth of flow within the drainage plate at a depth of dz. Drainage plate outflow can also be calculated from the sum of the depth of the inner surface of the plate and the drainage of the groundwater into the drainage plate. Using equation (2), the gradient of the excess pore water pressure along the depth in the drainage plate is given by m−0, that is, the flow velocity in the drainage plate at a certain depth z of the foundation is (Kw/7w)7, and /w is the water bulk density, which is the unit depth. The flow rate of dz is the unit flow rate integral: If there are N drain plates in the consolidation zone, the total drainage volume of the drainage zone in the reinforcement zone is 3.2. If the p0=0, then the formula (3) (4) is the calculation formula of positive pressure drainage board and foundation seepage flow; if p1=0, then equation (3) (4) is for negative pressure drainage board and foundation foundation calculation A and thus can solve positive and negative compensation. In this case, the drainage plate and foundation seepage flow, but in the drainage plate seepage flow and seepage flow calculation in the reinforcement zone, the positive pressure pi is assumed to be applied instantaneously, but according to the characteristics of the road construction, the embankment filling is performed in a graded manner, so it is necessary to (3) (4) The correction can be applied to the seepage calculation under general vacuum surcharge such as embankment. The following assumptions are made for the case of staged loading: (a) With each stage of load, it is known that the permeate flow caused by the percolation and the percolation caused by the load at the previous stage can be superposed; (b) Percolation at each time It is related to the total amount of load at this moment and has nothing to do with the start and end time of loading. 1n Calculation of the seepage flow of the vacuum surcharge combined with preloading. 3.3 External Seepage Flow in Consolidation Zone During the process of consolidating soft ground with vacuum surcharge preloading, the groundwater level will continue to drop until it is stable because groundwater is continually being pumped out. It is necessary to calculate the amount of water in this section. Since the aspect ratio of the vacuum preloading zone is 1.75, the large well method is used to calculate the seepage flow in the reinforcement zone. The rectangular reinforcement zone is converted into a circular large well with a radius of r. The total seepage flow of the total seepage in the a+b 3.4 reinforcement zone is composed of the consolidated Q seepage flow in the consolidation zone and the outflow of the reinforcement zone Q week. Q total = Q total board + Q week 4 Application Example 5 Conclusion It can be seen that the calculated flow-time curve agrees well with the measured flow-time curve, indicating that the built-up seepage model under positive and negative pressure is More reasonable. This will make it possible to further reduce the amount of electricity used for vacuum pumping when designing the combined vacuum preloading system and rationally configuring the number of vacuum pumps in order to determine the change in the groundwater level and the depth of permeate water pressure. Cnc Four Axis Machining,Cnc Turning Stainless Steel Parts,Cnc Machined Stainless Steel Fittings,Cnc Milling Four Axis Machining Shenzhen SCZY Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.sczyltd.com
Seepage Analysis of Vacuum Surcharge Preloading Combined Preloading Method
Seepage Analysis of Vacuum Surcharge Preloading Combined Preloading Method
Core Tip: Uw plastic drainage plate at any depth of excess pore water pressure, Uw, = Uw, (Zt); pressure duration; smearing ratio; diameter ratio. Formula (1) is the basic equation for radial consolidation of sand drains. According to the basic assumptions, the initial and boundary conditions of the equations under positive and negative pressure conditions are: