(3) Digestion after decomposition of limestone . When sintering the fluxing sinter, not only the CaCO3 is completely decomposed into CaO, but also CaO is required to completely combine with some minerals in the ore. The free CaO is not expected in the sinter, otherwise the CaO will be digested by water and affect the strength of the sinter. CaO limestone ---CaO content in the sinter ore, CaO content, %; 2 is different from the relationship between the particle size of limestone 10 to 0 mm limonite ore interaction. The figure shows that the limestone particle size at the same temperature has a great influence on the degree of mineralization of CaO. When the limestone particle size is 1 to 0 mm, the degree of CaO compounding is 88 to 95% at 1250 ° C, and the particle size is 3 to 0 mm is only 55 to 74%. When the basic alkalinity is low, the degree of compounding is higher. high. Figure 3 examines in more detail the extent to which limestone particle size and temperature combine minerals with CaO. The temperature is 1200 ° C, although the particle size <0.5 mm, the degree of compounding is less than 50%, and when the temperature reaches 1350 ° C, the particle size is 1.7 ~ 3.0 mm, the degree of compounding is close to 100%. The particle size of ore and concentrate also has a great influence on the degree of CaO compounding. When the calcined magnet concentrate is 0-0.2 mm and the sintered material consisting of limestone with a particle size of 3 to 0 mm, the temperature is 1300 ° C for 1 minute, and the CaO in the limestone is completely digested, as shown in Fig. 4c when the upper limit of magnetite is 6 In millimeters, the degree of CaO is reduced to 87%, as shown in Fig. 4a. Therefore, the suitable limestone particle size during sintering is related to the grain size of the ore in the sintered material. In order to ensure that the limestone is completely decomposed during the sintering process and is digested by the ore, the particle size of the limestone should not exceed 3 mm. Hemp Seeds sativa is an annual herbaceous flowering plant indigenous to eastern Asia but now of cosmopolitan distribution due to widespread cultivation. It has been cultivated throughout recorded history, used as a source of industrial fiber, seed oil, food, recreation, religious and spiritual moods and medicine. Each part of the plant is harvested differently, depending on the purpose of its use. Hemp Seeds,Hemp Seed Keto,Whole Hemp Seeds,Hemp Seed Tonic Liaoning Qiaopai Biotech Co,Ltd , https://www.qiaopai-hemp.com
In order to achieve complete decomposition of limestone in the sinter and to combine with some minerals in the ore, the particle size of the limestone must be well controlled. The following formula indicates the degree of CaO compounding:
CaO free— the amount of free CaO in the sinter, %. [next]