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At present, the domestic sensor production capacity is mainly consumed by traditional energy companies and petrochemical companies, and in terms of technology, it is dominated by the United States and its patent applications exceed the total number of regional patent applications from the European Union, the World Intellectual Property Organization, Japan, and China. The sum of the quantity, the number of patents accounted for 53%; while the total number of Chinese sensor companies is about 100, but the relative lack of key core technologies.
On one side is the market space constraint, while the other side is the weak technical reserves. China's sensor companies have encountered the dual pressure of market and technology.
How to drive the market on the basis of the realization of patented technology has also become a problem for the domestic sensor industry in recent years.
In the “2011 China Smart Grid Industry Development Summit Forum†hosted by Polaris Power Grid, Zheng Fangeng, Director of the Department of Energy and Transportation of the Ministry of High-Tech Development and Industrialization, Ministry of Science and Technology, stated that with the gradual launch of China’s smart grid, it will drive power electronics, etc. The rapid development of related industries is in full compliance with the original intention of the state to build a smart grid. The sensor, as the most widely used electronic power product, will realize the dual effects of technology and market in the national smart grid project construction process. Smart grids will become another market for sensor products.
The current status of the domestic sensor industry is that large companies are reluctant to do, and small businesses cannot. Since each area needs a tailor-made sensor, although the market demand, but the market size is not large, resulting in sensor manufacturers' technical input costs are too high; the contrary, the sensor product technology is based on new sensitive materials, nanotechnology, biological Technology, bionic technology, new types of energy storage technologies, and extremely low energy consumption technologies do not have the technological capabilities of small businesses.
Because there is no large-scale application, domestic sensor products generally have the contradiction of low technical level and high price.
In this regard, Zheng Fangeng said that the start of smart grid project construction will greatly ease the use of sensor products, and the collateral effect is that large-scale applications can solve the problem of high prices to some extent; at the same time because the smart grid to "smart "It is characterized, so it puts forward more stringent requirements for safety. For enterprises, how to get a piece of cake in this big market is the first thing to do is how to solve the technical problems."
Smart grid will become another new market for sensor industry
Reading: At the "2011 China Smart Grid Industry Development Summit Forum," Zheng Fangeng, Director of the Department of Energy and Transportation at the Ministry of High-tech Development and Industrialization, Ministry of Science and Technology, said that with the gradual launch of China's smart grid, it will drive power electronics and other related industries. The rapid development of this point is in full compliance with the original intention of the state to build a smart grid. The sensor, as the most widely used electronic power product, will realize the dual effects of technology and market in the national smart grid project construction process. Smart grids will become another market for sensor products.