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ABB unveiled the 22nd Multinational Instrument and Instrument Exhibition
Beijing, August 30, 2011 – ABB, the world's leading power and automation technology group, today unveiled its leading control systems, analytical instruments, measurement products and low-voltage control products at the 22nd Multinational Instrumentation Conference and Exhibition 2011 (Miconex2011), a comprehensive demonstration of its typical application solutions for specialty products in the process industry and customized applications for specialty products.
ABB China's process automation business unit owner said, "At this year's multinational instrumentation exhibition, ABB will showcase a variety of products and solutions designed and upgraded based on customer needs. In addition, ABB's innovative electrical and automation The integrated solution will also be the focus of the show."
Yang Jiaqi, head of the control technology business unit of ABB China Process Automation Business Unit, said, “ABB exhibits include instrumentation led by a localized electromagnetic flowmeter and a continuous gas analyzer, as well as the latest software and hardware of the system 800xA. The EOW-x2, the latest generation of extended operator interface introduced by ABB Sweden's Future Operators Center, will also be unveiled, helping the company achieve superior operator efficiency."
ABB's WaterMaster electromagnetic flowmeters are intelligent solutions for flow measurement and management in the water and water treatment industry. Advanced sensor technology provides superior control and powerful self-diagnostics, as well as direct water immersion How to install it. ABB's Advance Optima Modular Continuous Gas Analyzer enables flexible integration from analysis modules to chassis, display to control unit, power supply to sample processing, enabling customers to adapt to their application requirements through a variety of standardized modules. Customize special measurement tasks.
As a representative technology platform leading the field of industrial control and integration, ABB's expanded automation system 800xA uses a series of electrical integration, bus and asset management, integrated safety operations, and the latest generation of extended operator interface EOW-x2. The solution has strong integration capabilities. Also on display at the show was the ABB Panel 800 demo panel, Compact 800 products and solutions, Freelance hybrid process control system and application cases.
Low-voltage electrical products such as ABB's intelligent power distribution management unit, as well as some instrumentation products for special process measurement, such as the KM26 magnetic flap level gauge, were also unveiled at the show. Among them, ABB intelligent power distribution management unit PMU and DELTAplus series rail mounted meter is ABB's latest power distribution product dedicated to the intelligent field of low-voltage system, which can realize the intelligence from the underlying data acquisition to high-end on-site monitoring and management. The low-voltage switchgear equipped with PMU can directly establish communication connection with the superior system through the Ethernet interface (TCP/IP protocol), which realizes the transition from the traditional low-voltage switchgear to the intelligent low-voltage switchgear, and is integrated with the DCS system and distribution network. Computer management system communication connection such as system.