Delta Bar Flowmeter What are the advantages in the application of related industries

The Delta Bar Flowmeter has been widely used by people in all walks of life. Everyone knows that it has its own characteristics and applications. But what is the difference between delta flowmeters and other instrumentation in specific applications? Where is its advantage?

1. Firstly, Delta Bar Flowmeter developed on the basis of other differential pressure flowmeters. It has the inherent advantages of other differential pressure flowmeters, but on this basis, it certainly has its unique place, Delta. The Bar Flow Meter is based on its unique sensor setup, which allows the measurement accuracy, repeatability and reliability of a single source to reach a new level.

2. The energy-saving effect of delta bar flowmeters on medium-pressure steam pipes. It is well-known that the pressure loss of standard throttling devices is greater than that of other flow meters. The pressure loss on the pipes is larger, and the power source losses are greater. However, the delta bar flow meter in this aspect is the same as the V-cone flow meter explained in the previous section, and it truly achieves the purpose of energy saving according to its own design.

3. It is convenient to modify the measurement range of delta flowmeter. Unlike the previous standard throttling device, if the parameters of the site are changed, then the diameter of the hole should be recalculated according to the new parameters and reinstalled. The comparison of delta bar flowmeters is much simpler. Like wedge flowmeters, as long as the maximum differential pressure is recalculated based on the parameters of the site, directly changing the relative range of the differential pressure transmitter can achieve the measurement purpose.

After knowing the advantages of Delta Bar Flowmeter in application, we can make more targeted choices when choosing, so that our use can achieve the best results.

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