Russian Ministry of Energy is about to propose a new proposal for reducing oil taxes

According to the Norwegian "Upstream Online" Moscow report, the Russian Federation’s Minister of Energy Sergei Shmatko stated here on August 29 that the Russian Ministry of Energy will soon propose to the Russian government new proposals for cutting the petroleum company’s petroleum tax. Although these new proposals for reducing oil taxes involve a much smaller amount than the oil companies expect.
According to a Reuters report, Shmatko made the above remarks when interviewed by media reporters. He said: "I think we will submit new proposals to the government to reduce the surcharge on oil companies as early as August, but we may end up before the end of the year."
Mr. Shmatko, speaking of a statement issued recently by the president of Lukoil, Russia’s largest independent oil company, said that the amount involved in the new proposal will be much lower than that of Alejandro. Koprov said the amount.
In a statement issued on August 28, Alekperov said that Russian oil companies will need 400 billion rubles ($16.3 billion) of oil profits in 2009.
Alekperov said that 400 billion rubles reflects the large number of Russian oil companies hope the government can implement tax cuts next year.

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