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The purpose of adopting these standards is not to specify that the machine tool must meet a certain precision, but to find out what level of accuracy the machine tool can achieve. The written information of the part stipulates that the precision of the machine tool of the company must be able to produce qualified parts and set the precision benchmark in this place. Tested to let you know how high your machine can reach. As long as the machine tool can reach that precision benchmark, it has the ability to process.
Modern machine tools are equipped with testing and calibration techniques, and they are also able to provide this technology so that the shop can guarantee the accuracy and normal operation of the machine. More and more factories and large-scale workshops have their own laser interferometers and electronic equipment, while small factories can use commercial methods to obtain equipment and testing services at competitive prices through leasing through various channels. .
In fact, it is now possible to provide telescopic club detectors for any workshop, for the rapid detection of machine tools, as long as 15min can complete the detection task to maintain the machine's machining accuracy. Using club detection can accurately evaluate the machine's geometric accuracy, roundness and stick/slip error, servo gain mismatch, vibration, backlash, repeatability, and misalignment of the scale. Some club software can provide specific error diagnosis according to ISO230-4 and ASMEB5.54 and B5.57 standards, and then provide a plain English list, listing the sources of various errors in the order of the overall impact on machine tool accuracy. This allows machine maintenance personnel to deal directly with the problematic area.
Staged club tests keep up with the performance trends of machine tools. Preventive maintenance helps to plan before the machine deviates from the processing capacity. Industry generally tends to calibrate machine tools as needed, not as time. There is no reason to pull out a good machine that is engaged in production for maintenance. When something abnormal is found, it is still determined by the detection of the club and the parts produced. Production can continue during testing.
Spot welder on-machine probe detection Today's standard machine tools are able to achieve the same accuracy and repeatability as they did in the past with CMMs. This feature allows the machine itself to automatically detect the workpiece with a probe during the critical processing stage. Once the machine has a measuring instrument installed, the measuring probe becomes the operator's CNC gauge. The inspection program can be programmed as part of the machining process and run automatically at various points, detecting the size and position and providing the necessary compensation. This eliminates the need for operators to use dial gauges and plug gages to measure and eliminate artifacts that cause errors in fixtures, parts, and tool offsets in the control system. Onboard testing has become a part of the process. This is a powerful and improved process tool that can produce qualified parts for the first time in the shortest production time.
Can be used to automatically determine the location of parts, and then establish a working coordinate system, onboard detection can reduce set up time, improve spindle utilization, reduce the cost of fixtures and eliminate non-production processing access time. In complex parts processing, it takes 45 minutes to debug fixtures. The application of the detection device is only 45 seconds and it is fully automated by the CNC. When starting to process castings or forgings, the inspection device can determine the shape of the workpiece, avoiding wasted time due to blank cutting, and can help determine the optimum tool infeed angle. The control in the process is the use of inspection devices to monitor the characteristics, size and position of the machine tool during the cutting process, and at the same time verify the precise dimensional relationship between the various features of each machining process in order to avoid problems. The probe can be programmed, and the actual machining results of each stage can be detected by the program, and tool compensation can be automatically implemented, especially after roughing or semi-finishing.
Reference inspection is the comparison of part features with a dimensional template or reference surface of a known location and size. It allows the CNC to determine the positioning gap and then generates an offset to compensate for this gap. Prior to critical machining, by detecting counterfeit templates, the CNC can check its own positioning for the known dimensions of the template and then program the offset. If the size template is mounted on the machine and exposed to the same environmental conditions, reference tests can be used to monitor and compensate for the coefficient of thermal expansion. The result is a closed loop process that is not affected by the operator.
Each machine tool has many inherent small errors during its movement and in its structure. Therefore, there is always a slight gap between the CNC's programming position and the actual position of the tool tip, even if both are After being adjusted by laser compensation to be quite consistent. Programmable artificial template detection is a good way to further compensate for the remaining errors in the machine. It provides feedback for process control and enables positioning accuracy to be close to the machine's repetitive specifications. This closed-loop process control allows the machining center to achieve machining accuracy for boring and milling machines and other precision machine tools.
Many probe detection operations are done using memory-resident macro programs. The update of the work coordinates, the change of tool geometry, and the measurement of parts are automatically determined by the CNC after successfully completing the probe detection cycle. This eliminates serious errors caused by incorrect information links or incorrect calculations. For part inspections after machining, the length and complexity of off-line inspection can be reduced by probe detection, and in some cases it can even be eliminated entirely. Because large and expensive workpieces move very difficult and time consuming, on-machine inspection is particularly beneficial for large, expensive workpieces.
Here, two methods can be used to complete the reference test, that is, machine tool correlation test is used to compare the on-board measurement data with the data of the previous CMM measuring machine; or to use counterfeit sample detection method to compare the on-board data with known dimensions. Traceability imitates templates for comparison. In making this comparison, the CNC can determine if the machine has actually reached the specified machining tolerances. Based on these results, a wise decision can be made to take corrective action on the parts that remain on the machine.
Non-contact Laser Tool Set The laser tool setter provides a fast, automated method for verifying the size of the tool, especially in mold making, which plays a key role in verifying tool wear after long-term machining. The laser tool setting tool is an effective method for high-speed, high-precision tool adjustment and tool fracture detection. It is cost-effective. In the working state, the tool can be quickly measured when the tool is rotated by laser beam indexing or at normal speed. Its length and diameter. The laser detection working with the spindle speed can discriminate the errors caused by the uncoordinated and radial vibrations of the spindle, the tool and the tool holder. This function cannot be achieved with the static tool setting system. Some NC tool setting tools can detect the break at the highest lateral stroke.
When the tool moves through the laser beam, the system electronics detects the interruption of the laser beam and sends an output signal to the controller. The NC system can precisely measure a tool with a minimum diameter of 0.2 mm anywhere in the laser beam. When the laser beam exceeds the 50% threshold and is blocked by the detected tool, the system is triggered. The non-contact tool setting system uses a reliable red visible diode laser under processing conditions.
Advanced electronic components and a simplified design make contactless tools a substitute for contact systems. Thanks to the absence of any moving parts, it is virtually possible to save the NC control system from maintenance. This design does not have the framework and actuators required for a contact system. Some NC digital laser tool setters have a protection system. They are installed in a solid stainless steel device. They are filled with uninterrupted compressed air. They prevent contamination, chips, graphite and coolant even during the measurement process. Intrusion. These systems can also be installed on machines of various sizes and various shapes without any influence on the operation of the machine.
The use of powerful tools to improve the level of technology, such as the mature application and availability of these technologies, has great advantages for improving the automation level of mold processing and achieving better process control. They enable moldmakers to produce molds faster and with greater geometric and dimensional accuracy, requiring virtually no operator involvement, rework, or manual finishing operations.
Analysis of the Detection and Calibration Technology of Modern Machine Tools
In order to prevent the occurrence of defects, enterprises need to follow the standards recognized and accepted by the State, such as in accordance with ISO 230 standards or ASME B 5.54 standards. Therefore, the company must have the ability to edit the process documentation and the ability to ensure the precision of the machine tool. Both of these standards require the use of a club and laser interferometer to check the accuracy of the machine according to the recommended procedure.