A Basic principle The total reaction of molybdenum oxidized roasting is: Main Process and Characteristics of Molybdenum Oxide Roasting Process name Product contains sulfur /% 1t molybdenum standard coal consumption / kg 铼 volatilization rate /% Smoke rate /% Flue gas SO 2 concentration /% Recovery rate /% other Multi-hearth furnace roasting ≤ 0.1 70~90 40~60 10~20 0.8~3 About 99 Bed energy rate (calculated as molybdenum) 100kg / ( m 2 · d ) is currently the most important industrial method, the product is suitable for both steelmaking and wet processing to prepare molybdenum chemical products or molybdenum Fluidized furnace roasting 2.0~2.5 (mainly SO 4 2- ) 0 About 90 About 40% 3~5 >98 Bed energy rate (calculated as molybdenum) 100kg / ( m 2 · d ), industrial production scale, the product is mainly used in wet chemical products Rotary kiln ≤ 0.1 400~500     0.5~4 About 98 For industrial production, life expectancy is about 3~4 months Reverberatory furnace roasting ≤ 0.1 2000~2200 Can't recycle   <1 94~97 For the ancient method, it is still used in China. Lime sintering     98 is recovered by Ca ( ReO 4 ) 2     97~98 Small-scale production, processing mines containing high Flash roasting After wet treatment , <0.01       5~10   High temperature volatile products contain MoO 3 98%~99.9% , no industrial production reports Badminton Ball Shooting Machine, Shuttlecock Training Machine, Badminton Shooting Machine Yi He Technology (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd , https://www.nbball-shootingmachine.com Reaction is a strong exothermic process
ΔH 298 = 1063kJ/mol
Since many compounds such as MoO 2 and Mo 2 S 3 are present in the Mo-SO system, the reaction is very complicated, and different reactions may occur under different conditions. Please refer to the relevant textbooks.
B Industrial Practice
The main processes and characteristics of molybdenum oxidized roasting are shown in the table: