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July 30 Harbin Steel Market Price Quotes
Product Name Specification Material Steel/Original Price (yuan/ton) Than yesterday Last week than last month General line Φ6.5mm Q235 Tong Steel 5900 0 -50 -20 Common Line Φ8mm Q235 Tong Steel 5900 0 -50 -20 High Line Φ6 .5-10mm Q235 Xilin 5950 0 -30 -10 High Line Φ6.5-10mm Q235 Tonggang 5950 0 -30 -10 High Line Φ10mm Q235 Beitai 5950 0 -30 -10 High Line Φ10mm Q235 Xinfu 5950 0 -30 - 10 Rebar Φ12-14mm HRB335 Steel 5550 0 -50 -50 Rebar Φ12-14mm HRB335 Xilin 5550 0 -50 -50 Rebar Φ12-14mm HRB335 Wusteel 5550 0 -50 -50 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Steel 5470 0 -20 10 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Xilin 5470 0 -20 10 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Jianlong 5470 0 -20 10 Rebar Φ12mm HRB400 Tongsteel/Westwood 5900 0 0 30 Rebar Φ14mm HRB400 Tonggang/Xilin 5900 0 0 30 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB400 Tong Steel/Westwood 5750 0 0 50 Hot Roll 2.0mm*1050*C Q235 Angang (1700) 6400 0 0 100 Hot Roll 2.5mm*1050*C Q235 Angang (1700) 6280 0 0 130 Hot rolled coil 2.75mm*1050*C Q235 Angang (1700) 6250 0 0 100 Hot rolled coil 3.0mm*1250*C Q235 Angang (1700) 6230 0 0 100 Hot rolled coil 4.75mm*1500*C Q235 saddle (1700) 6120 0 -30 90 Hot rolled coil 3.0mm*1250*C Q235 Benganga 6230 0 0 100 Hot rolled coil 5.5-7.5mm*1250*C Q235 Bengang 6120 0 -30 90 Hot rolled coil 3.0mm*1250 *C Q235 Tangshan Iron & Steel 6230 0 0 100 Hot Rolled Roll 5.5mm*1250*C Q235 Tang Steel 6120 0 -30 90 Hot Rolled Roll 3.0mm*1250*C Q235 Tong Steel 6230 0 0 100 Cold Rolled Plate 1.0mm*1000* 2000 Q195 Angang 7400 0 0 50 Cold rolled sheet 2.0mm*1000*2000 Q195 Angang 7300 0 0 50 Cold rolled sheet 2.5mm*1000*2000 Q195 Angang 7300 0 0 50 Cold rolled sheet 3.0mm*1000*2000 Q195 Angang 7500 0 0 50 Cold Rolled Plate 2.0mm*1000*2500 Q195 Cold Rolled Plate 6950 0 0 50 Cold Rolled Plate 1.0mm*1000*2000 Q195 Ben Steel 7350 0 0 100 Medium Plate 8mm Q235 Sky Steel 7050 0 0 0 Medium Plate 10mm Q235 Tiangang 6670 0 0 0 Puzhong Plate 16-25mm Q235 Tiangang 6450 0 0 0 Low Alloy Plate 16-25mm Q345 Tiansteel 6700 0 0 Low Alloy Plate 16-25mm Q345 Jinan Steel 6700 0 0 0 Low Alloy Plate 16- 25mm Q345 Angang 6700 0 0 0 Color Coil 0.426mm*1000*C SGCC Tianjin Xinyu 8400 0 -150 -150 Color Coil 0.476mm*1000*C SGCC Tianjin Xinyu 8300 0 -200 -200 Galvanized Coil 0.5mm*1000 *C SGCC Hengtong 7400 0 -100 -100 Galvanized coil 1.0mm*1000*C ST02Z Bengang 7000 0 0 0 Welded pipe 1.5 inch *3.25mm Q235 Birch forest 6100 0 0 Welded pipe 2.5 inch *3.5mm Q235 Birch forest 6050 0 0 Welded pipe 4 inch * 4.0mm Q235 Birch forest 6050 0 0 0 I-beam 12# Q235 A-steel 5300 0 0 0 I-beam 26# Q235 Angang 5800 0 0 Channel 16# Q235 A-steel 5200 0 0 Channel 25# Q235 Laiwu Steel/ 0 0 0 Angle Steel 50*5mm Q235 Steel 5400 0 0 0 Angle Steel 100*10mm Q235 Steel 5600 0 0 0