Conductor daily problems how to deal with?

(I) Power Supply Section 1. When the conductivity meter is under low voltage AC power, both the indicator lamp and the filaments are off. Check if the power input, transformer primary, transformer secondary low voltage, etc. are normal.

2. The indicator light and each filament of the high voltage DC power supply can be bright, but the power eye tube does not emit green light, and when the replacement of the new one is ineffective, the high voltage DC power supply part can be checked first (a universal meter AC voltage 500V can be used. Two anode voltage). Check the transformer's secondary high voltage or wiring. If there is electricity and the cathode of the rectifier is measured with a DC voltage of 500V, there should be about +200V above ground. If there is no DC voltage or the voltage is low, replace the rectifier or filter capacitor. And pick up the contacts.

(2) Failure of the Oscillator and the Cathode Output Unit When the conductivity meter cannot measure the exact balance point with the high cycle, the oscillating tube and the cathode output tube may be replaced first. If the problem cannot be solved, the voltages of the two tubes must be measured. And wiring. The anode of the oscillating tube should be about 10V and the second gate should be +60V. The anode of the cathode output tube should be about +250V. Reusable high-impedance headphones or horns can also be used to track and check each signal point. This will find the problem.

(III) Problems with the Conductivity Meter Bridge The indicator blinks unstable when rotating the reading button or the override button during measurement or the balance point cannot be found at all.

1. First check the electrode system in the bridge circuit. Remove the electrode from the known resistance of about 1000 ohms. If the resistance is about 1000 ohms, then the problem is with the electrode or wiring. Replace or repair the electrode system. If it cannot be measured, continue to check.

2. In the reading button part, sometimes the sliding wire resistance inside the reading button is poorly contacted. Clean the contact point with a clean silk cloth or the like so that the contact can be good everywhere.

3. Many of the knobs are misaligned or poorly contacted due to internal band switches. They can be wiped and reset with a small amount of ethanol or trichloroethylene.

4. Capacitance Problems The conductivity meter sometimes blurs the edge of the indicator's light band and adjusts the bridge arm capacitance to a clear degree.

(4) Indicator failure 1. If the indicator beam edge is still blurred after the conductivity meter adjusts the bridge capacitance, the electro-ocular tube 6E1 or 6E2 can be replaced. The former's green fluorescent band moves in a fan shape, and the latter moves up and down. , And the wiring is different.

2. The indicator action is not sensitive. At this time, the amplifier tube and the electro-ocular tube can be replaced. If it is still not sensitive, check the voltage and wiring of each pole.

Closed Cooling Tower

Why say closed cooling tower is energy saving and environmental protection equipment, more and more users are using this kind of equipment to replace the original equipment (open tower), we can through data analysis and comparison, the two energy data accounting can be obvious. Energy consumption is basically two major aspects, one is water, the other is electricity. Both are energy costs that no cooling tower can escape, unless you leave the equipment on.

First of all, look at the consumption of water. Water is generally consumed in two aspects. One is the flying overflow after spraying, and the other is the evaporation consumption of water.

Let's look at the open cooling tower, the spray water of the tower is basically between two and three percent of the overflow rate, if we according to the daily operation of 10 hours, excluding holidays, 280 days of operation. According to the actual open cooling tower flow of 6000 cubic meters per hour to calculate. 6000*2%*10*280= 336,000 tons of water, and the same closed cooling tower, its spray flying overflow is very small, because after all, the spray work is carried out in the tower, almost can be controlled in a few thousandths, we calculate according to 5 thousandths, the same is 10 hours of work, 280 days a year operation, To achieve the same cooling amplitude is basically 4,500 tons per hour of closed cooling tower is enough, then the calculation results: 4,500 *0.5%*10*280= 63,000 tons, it is not difficult to see, because of the different design structure caused by the waste of spraying water resources, more than 200,000 tons of terror. The bigger the pool of the open tower, the more wasted water, because the evaporation area increases, and the closed cooling tower has no pool, so the consumption here is zero. Judging from the price of a ton of water, just such a equipment, a year to solve the capital of hundreds of thousands of enterprises.

Let's look at the comparison of electric energy, electric energy is not different, because they are all through the same power equipment to operate the equipment, the power of the two is similar, the running time is the same, basically the energy consumption is about the same.

To sum up, for the closed cooling tower energy saving accounting can be strong to open the tower out, and, today are advocating energy conservation and environmental protection, this is the general trend, so the closed cooling tower is more and more favored by the majority of users.

Closed Cooling Tower,Closed Circuit Cross Flow,Closed Loop Cooling Tower,Closed Circuit Cooler

Wuxi Ark Fluid Science Technology Co., Ltd. ,