MANN+HUMMEL sales amounted to 3.48 billion euros in fiscal 2016

Recently, MANN+HUMMEL announced its FY16 data. Among them, sales increased by 14% to a total of 3.48 billion euros (2015: 3.04 billion euros); interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization profits (EBITDA) were greatly improved to 334.9 million euros (2015: 2.395). Billion euros); EBITDA reached 9.6% (2015: 7.9%).

Emmee Weissenbacher, the financial controller of MANN+HUMMEL, was generally satisfied with the results of the financial year. She said: “As the result of the release shows, our sales increased rapidly in FY 2016. Even if sales and operating results are affected by negative factors, Under the circumstances, our operating profitability remains normal.” The adverse effects of the exchange rate and the adjustment of the value of acquisitions have caused damage to sales and results (EBIT). Pre- and pre-tax profit (EBIT) was EUR 115.7 million, which was lower than last year; this is equivalent to 3.3% EBITDA (2015: 4.5%). Among them, the value adjustment of up to 60 million euros is the main reason.

Mannheimer factory Mannheimer factory

At the same time, MANN+HUMMEL also made corresponding strategic decisions to ensure future earnings growth. One of them is the core expertise of development companies - filters. The filtration and separation of useful substances from harmful substances is a core technology in many technical and industrial applications. In addition, it also plays a crucial role in the purification of air and water. “Now we are already developing and producing advanced filtration technologies that are adapted to human health protection and mobility. In the future we will increase profitability by developing more applications for filters in non-automotive areas,” said Alfred Weber, president of MANN+HUMMEL. The city of Devichburg announced the 2016 financial report. “The automotive and mechanical engineering industry is undergoing changes, and so is our business model. Alternatives to transportation solutions, digitization, and increasingly important sustainability drive these changes. Active participation in the future of mobility and industry opportunities It's not as fun as it is today,” he added.

Alfred Weber, President of MANN+HUMMEL Alfred Weber, President of MANN+HUMMEL

Following the successful acquisition of the US Affinia filter business in May 2016, the business continued to develop steadily. This business area mainly includes the application of filtration products in heavy-duty areas and hydraulic systems, and it complements and perfects MANN+HUMMEL’s original product and brand portfolio.

For the future, President Alfred Weber considers the company as a filter specialist and we are ready to face the challenges of the future: “Manheimer has strong financial performance and strong technical strength. We know the direction of the company's development and believe that we can control the future.” For the first time in 2017, the acquisition of the Affinia Group will be consolidated throughout the fiscal year. Mr. Weber expects the Group's sales to reach 3.8 billion euros in 2017, and its profitability will continue to increase.

Mr. Weber also believes that digital transformation and alternative drive systems offer opportunities: “The future belongs to clean, smart, and connectable machines and cars, which will also create new business areas for our company.” However, to achieve business Major breakthroughs, the company still needs to achieve a technological leap in the field of battery technology. Within 10 years from now, the proportion of electric vehicles is expected to remain less than 5%. Currently, the company has provided a wide range of filtration products for hybrid drives and will continue to expand its product range toward new applications and air and water filtration.

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