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The gear is the most widely used transmission in mechanical transmission. In recent years, with the development of spur gear transmission to idle speed, high power and enthalpy performance, especially in the fields of aerospace machinery, automobiles, machine tools, robots and electronic machinery, 圆柱 precision and 篼 bearing have been proposed for spur gear transmission. With new requirements such as capability, reliability, low noise, and low cost, people are turning more and more attention to the dynamic performance analysis of cylindrical gear transmission. Specifically, it is to study the mechanism, calculation and control of dynamic load, vibration and noise of the spur gear transmission system.
The dynamic load of a spur gear transmission has always been accustomed to considering a dynamic load factor. 1. Generally speaking, the dynamic load is not proportional to the rated load, but depends on the moment of inertia of the gear itself, the gear tooth stiffness and Impact caused by tooth surface error. In addition, the gear drive operates close to the resonance zone or away from the resonance zone, and its dynamics are very different from the dynamic load. In view of the above situation, the International Standardization Group (ISO) gear standard relates the dynamic load coefficient to the natural frequency of the gear teeth, that is, based on the dynamic analysis.
The dynamic model of the 2-tooth dynamic analysis shows a pair of intermeshing cylindrical gear transmission systems with their moments of inertia A and /2, respectively. When discussing the vibration of a pair of meshing teeth, the rotation of the two gears can be used. The inertia is converted to the tooth meshing line N, and the equivalent mass of the two is: a pair of mutually identical gear transmission schematics and spaced springs, the stiffness of which is called the meshing stiffness' size: if the gear teeth are When the cantilever beam is of equal section, the gear tooth stiffness is: equivalent to the vibration system shown, the equivalent mass is: the natural frequency of the system vibration is: when the pinion is active, the excitation frequency of the gear is: Then, the system will produce wide or resonance, the dynamic load of the gear will increase sharply, and the noise will also rise significantly. When the excitation frequency of the gear teeth meshes away from the natural frequency, the vibration will be small. Therefore, the magnitude of the vibration of the gear during operation is related to the proximity of the tooth mesh excitation frequency and the natural frequency.
It can be seen that the magnitude of the vibration of the spur gear transmission is related to the closeness of the actual rotational speed W1 of the pinion gear and the rotational speed of the monitoring gear.
3 Mathematical model of dynamic optimization design of spur gear transmission 3.1 Determination of the objective function It can be seen from the above that the relationship between the excitation frequency and the natural frequency of the spur gear meshing is actually the relationship between the actual gear speed ni and the critical speed/Zc. . The larger the difference between Wl and Wcr, the smaller the vibration of the gear when working, so the following objective function can be established: /(x)= 3.2 The design change is determined by taking the involute helical gear transmission as an example. When the actual center distance a and the gear ratio are determined, the critical speed is calculated; the independent variables are 厶, /S, 6, and the above variables are determined, and the gear structure can be determined according to experience. Therefore, the design variable is: X=.mnZ pbT=VxxzxzxT3.3 The determination of the constraint a). Tooth surface contact fatigue strength constraints are known, the calculation formula of tooth surface contact fatigue strength is: b). The tooth root bending fatigue strength constraint condition is due to the bending fatigue strength OfCT' d). The tooth width constraint has 5(:r)= e) for some reason. Limiting the modulus minimum for the power transmission, there is; therefore, the degree 7 (especially) = 2 0. Guaranteed axial overlap factor and angle of view, the problem is that there are four design variables, 10 4 calculations The example is to design a gear transmission in a transportation machinery reducer for general industrial use. The known data is: pinion transmission power is corpse i=13KW, rotation speed=970r/min, the size gear material is 45 steel, small gear quenching and tempering, hardness is 230~255HBS, large gear normalizing, hardness is 190~ 217HBS, gear ratio K = 4, one-way rotation, 16 hours a day, life expectancy of 5 years.
From the above analysis, the optimization problem belongs to the small optimization problem, so the complex method is used to find the optimal solution. (Continued on page 24) In the program, it is only necessary to initialize the CommandB0 at the beginning of the program. Before the end of the program, Use CommandEO to restore the original value.
4.2 When the command line echo program is executed, the command prompt line used in the drawing flashes past. The more drawing statements, the more dazzling it is, which is a software system with a friendly user interface. Not suitable. Like the drawing markup, the echo of the command is also controlled by a system variable. BPCMDECHO can solve this problem in the same way as removing the drawing mark.
4.3 does not echo nil at the end of the program run, always return a nil, in order to make the external function run back to the AutoCAD Command: state, the following techniques are used in programming; In order not to echo nil, write the following statement before the end of the external function: the function of this function is to prohibit the return of nil value to AutolLISP.
In addition to the no-argument integer function, its last statement (or other out or returnRSERR, can not use the following statement to exit the program: returnRSRST; even caused the system to crash.
s Conclusion The message-driven mechanism of the ADS program, that is, during the development and debugging of the application, once the ADS program is loaded, all external functions of the ADS program are inactive until Au-toLISP sends a request message to it. While the ADS program responds to the request information, AutoCAD and AutoLISP are inactive again, waiting for the result to be returned from the ADS function.
The driving mechanism for this message distribution is implemented by an infinite loop. This mechanism must be used if we want the ADS program to perform well in an AutoCAD environment. Therefore, in every ADS application, the same interface function is basically used, which makes it easier and faster to develop the automaton AMCAD application software.