Beichen mode: use agricultural machinery to “point the soil into gold”

[China Agricultural Machinery Industry News] In a farmland in Shuangjie Town, Beichen District, the villager Sun Dehu is driving a large horsepower tractor to level the land, and looking at it, the farmland is full of vitality.
Relying on the agricultural machinery service center that has been implemented in Beichen District, the agricultural machinery professional cooperative is the main body, and the large agricultural machinery is the “Beichen model”. Sun Dehu has contracted more than 4,000 mu of land and has dozens of advanced agricultural machinery, with an annual output value. It has reached several million.
Beichen mode: use agricultural machinery to “point the soil into gold”

Today, there are more than 40 agricultural machinery companies like Sun Dehu. In 2015, the comprehensive mechanization level of the main crops in Beichen District reached 88%. The promotion of agricultural machinery mechanization saved costs, increased the survival rate of food, and allowed farmers to earn income. Greatly improve. What kind of magic does the “Beichen Model” have, which can allow farmers to “spot into gold”?
Early start, mechanized concept rooted in the hearts of farmers
Many years ago, the land in Beichen District was scattered to one household, and the land was divided, which was not conducive to the development of agricultural mechanization. Therefore, the government came forward to set up a farm machinery service team to serve farmers. "In the beginning, the peasants could not reluctantly. Some farmers would think that my family is first-class, and his family is second-class. It is not bad to put them together," recalls Mu Huaijun, head of the Agricultural Machinery Management Section of Beichen District Agricultural Machinery Development Service Center. At that time, as a member of the agricultural machinery service team, he also had to go down with the peasants to understand the concerns of the peasants.
From seeding to receiving management, the agricultural machinery service team gave the farmers a little policy and science. Gradually, the people realized that the land was not integrated and must be relatively concentrated. The district agricultural machinery service team has gradually grown, and various farms have also set up agricultural machinery service teams to provide socialized services to farmers more conveniently.
"In some areas, the peasants are mechanized. As far as I understand, the land is not integrated, and mechanization cannot be promoted." Mu Huaijun said that the reason why Beichen District is well promoted in this respect is because it started early and farmers accepted it. easily.
"It is somewhat difficult to promote the expansion of cultivated land in other districts and counties, but the farmers in Beichen are very recognized because we have done this work long ago. The farmers understand that after the land is leveled, it will not cause Soil and water loss. In the past, because of the unevenness, it was troublesome to pour the land. After the leveling, not only the land planting area was expanded, but also two crops could be planted. Why are farmers not doing it?” From introduction, demonstration, to promotion Because of the early start, Beichen District has laid a more solid foundation.
Promote transformation and develop large agricultural machinery into agricultural machinery professional cooperatives
Gradually, through the integration and transformation, the large agricultural machinery and cooperatives in Beichen District began to emerge, and Sun Dehu is one of them. Now, he is not only a large grain grower in Beichen District, but also established his own rural cooperative a few years ago.
"At the time, other cooperatives came to help me work. I went to the Agricultural Machinery Service Team for advice." Sun Dehu still remembers the scene when he founded the cooperative. After consulting, he was fully qualified to establish a district-level agricultural machinery professional cooperative.
In 2012, Sun Dehu's agricultural machinery professional cooperative was formally established with the help of the agricultural machinery service team. Up to now, the cooperative has more than 150 members, and the cooperative members are ordinary farmers on the two streets.
They either invest in machinery, invest in manpower, or invest in land, and then lead by cooperatives, put on more sophisticated, high-powered equipment, and manage the land within the community, and profitable members will pay dividends. When farming is busy, cooperatives also need to hire some farmers to do some farm work to help farmers solve employment problems. Now, Sun Dehu is actively applying for municipal cooperatives.

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