High Speed Steel Saw Blade(HSS)
The saw blade of our company is equipped with numerical control equipment of CBN grinding wheel, and the surface roughness is extremely low, which can ensure the complete cleaning of chips and prevent waste residue from adhering to the gap between the saw teeth. Chittak is the general agent of many saw blades, such as yonnex, yukon, high-end Chinese brands. The company promises to purchase saw blades to provide tooth-opening services.
Blade diameter: 250-620mm
Centre bore:32/40/50/80/90/140
Hub: 90/100/120/130/140/200/225
HSS blade can be applied to the pipe Metal Laser Cutting Machine,Automatic Steel Pipe Cutting Machine,Blade Cutting Machine and Manual Saw Pipe Cutting Machine etc.
Hss Saw Blade,Hss Circular Saw Blade,Hss Circular Saw Blade For Metal,High Speed Saw Blade GUANGDONG CHITTAK INTELLIGENT EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD , https://www.nbctkcutting.com
Navis offers DP2 system for 62m FSV
The dynamic positioning control system provided by Navis Engineering Co., Ltd. meets the expected performance requirements of the FOS THOR, a 62m long aluminum rapid supply vessel (FSV), in a series of sea trials conducted recently.
It is reported that the " FOS THOR" configuration is the largest rapid supply ship built in Asia, which can meet the highest industry standards. The ship uses four controllable pitch propellers and two bow thrusters for superior dynamic positioning. It should be noted that, in general, fast personnel carriers are designated to use fixed pitch propellers or water jet propellers.
The vessel can also open only one propeller and one bow thruster to maintain position, which can help significantly reduce fuel consumption while on standby at sea.
The dynamic positioning system offered by Navis is still the most compact type on the market, which is another advantage in the space of the ship bridge.
Founded in 1992, Navis Engineering is a private Finnish company with a headquarters and production facility in Finland but a research and development center in Russia.