The average price of lathes and milling machines has increased

The average price of lathes and milling machines has increased

In the first quarter of 2014, the export value of China's metal processing machine tools was US$670 million, a year-on-year decrease of 0.6%; the export volume was 1.63 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 0.6%; the average export price was US$413.4/unit, which was the same as the same period of last year. Among them, 13,557 lathes, a year-on-year decrease of 15.4%, an average price increase of 18.3%; milling machines 7,103, an increase of 3.8%, the average price increased by 4.8%.

The United States, Japan, and India are the top three export markets for metal processing machine tools in China. In the first quarter, exports to the United States decreased by 43.6%, accounting for 9.5%; for Japan it increased by 53.7%, accounting for 7.4%; for India, exports increased by 12.1%, accounting for 6.2%.

Among the lathe export markets, Japan, the United States, and Germany rank among the top three. In the first quarter, the export of lathes to Japan was US$ 26.7369 million, an increase of 85.5% over the same period of last year, accounting for an increase from 14.7% to 27.5%; for the United States, it was US$ 8,561,700, a decrease of 8.2%, accounting for a decrease from 9.5% to 8.8%; Germany exported 6,472,200 U.S. dollars, a decrease of 11.7%, accounting for 6.7%.

The United States, Germany and India are the top three in the export market for milling machines. In the first quarter, exports to the United States were US$ 2,286,600, down 3.6% year-on-year, accounting for 11.6% of market share; exports to Germany were US$ 2,178,200, up 25.7% year-on-year, accounting for 11.2%; and exports to India were US$ 1,314,000. It increased by 98.5%, accounting for 6.7%.

From the perspective of the lathe and milling machine exports, the decline in the exchange rate of RMB has not driven the export volume, indicating that the demand for Chinese machine tools from abroad is limited; however, the increase in the average export price in US dollars, the increase in the export of lathes to Japan, and the increase in the export of milling machines to Germany all indicate China The export competitiveness of machine tools is gradually improving.


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