Jezkazgan copper mine panel type room and pillar mining method

Soviet Dzhezkazgan copper mining depth of 100 ~ 300m. The ore body is 3 to 35 m thick and has a dip angle of 5 to 15 degrees. From gray sandstone roof and major red sandstone, partly by silt and clay slate rocks, rock base is red mud. The panel type pillar mining method is one of the main mining methods used in the mine. The length of the panel is 200-400 m, and the width of the ore wall increases with the increase of the mining depth, which is 15-20 m. The room pillars are regularly arranged in the panel area with a mesh degree of 20×20 m and a pillar diameter of 4 to 12 m, as shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1 Panel type room and pillar mining method
1-Transportation lane; 2- return airway; 3-panel roadway;
4-cut roadway; 5-way roadway; 6-car lane
When the thickness of the ore body is 3~8m, the whole layer is recovered. The self-propelled equipment used includes: 3 CBY-2M (or CBY-2K) mining drilling rigs, 1 HB-4 loader or 2 эII-1 underground shovel, and 2 MOA3 diesel self-propelled mine vehicles. 1, CII-8A lifting trolley and 1 BIIд-2 д bulldozer. Two mining rigs are used for drilling the working face and the other for drilling the bolt holes. When the ore body thickness is 6.5~8m, the working face is loaded with the эII-1 type underground electric shovel, and the bulldozer is used to clean the mining floor. One bulldozer can serve 2 to 3 panels. Panel production capacity: The loader is loaded at 400 tons/shift, and the underground shovel is loaded at 500 tons/shift. The working productivity of the working face workers is 80 tons/shift.
When the thickness of the ore body is 3 to 20 m, it is divided into two or three steps from top to bottom for recovery. Use the эII-1 jingx shovel loader and the CII-18A lift trolley to clean the top plate. The production capacity of the panel is up to 1000 tons/shift.
When the ore body thickness is greater than 25m, the room wall of 5~6m wide is reserved on both sides of the mine, and is divided into several steps from top to bottom for mining.
The cement mortar anchor is used to protect the roof, the anchor length is 2.5m, and the mesh degree is 1~2×1~2m. When red mudstone and red mud slate appear on the roof, in addition to the installation of the anchor, a concrete with a thickness of 35 to 40 mm is sprayed.
The advantages of this mining method are: concentrated operation and high degree of mechanization; large production capacity of the panel and high labor productivity of workers. The disadvantages are: the workload of cleaning and inspecting the top plate is large; the ore loss rate is high (17 to 23%), and the mining time of the panel is long.

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