Mining control of stage natural caving mining method

    The characteristics of the natural caving method in the stage are as follows: first, the height of the ore-mining layer is large, generally above 100m, and some mines reach about 200m; second, there are two different stages of ore-mining, and the first stage is to lower the ore body to be collapsed. The ore, as the ore collapses, releases the bulging portion of the caving ore and determines a reasonable rate of ore discharge based on the rate of ore collapse. If the ore-mining speed is slower than the rate of collapse, then the collapsed ore will be able to collapse the ore body and support the pillar. In this case, one will prevent the ore body from continuing to collapse, and the second will cause stress concentration on the lower mine roadway, destroying the roadway, and the ore is not compacted and will cause loss; if the mining speed is too fast, it will be treated A large space is formed between the collapsed ore and the collapsed ore, which easily causes the collapsed rock to flow into the stope, causing premature depletion, deteriorating the ore depletion loss index, or causing the ore body to suddenly collapse suddenly, resulting in a large number of large . The second stage is the ore discharge under the cover rock after all the ore at the height of the collapse layer has collapsed.
Applying the natural caving method of the ore block, the two stages of ore-mining do not occur at the same time. First, the ore-mining is controlled under the body to be collapsed, and then a large amount of ore is discharged under the cover rock. Generally, the same amount of ore is uniformly discharged, and the contact surface of the ore is kept horizontal. When applying the panel or continuously propelling the natural caving method, the two stages of the above-mentioned ore-extraction coexist at the same time in different sections. The contact rock under the cover rock is controlled to have a 45° inclination angle.
After the bottoming, the amount of ore below the level of the bottom is the amount of caving. From the bottom line (generally from the third row), the maximum allowable release of each row of funnels is increased by 10 to 15%, which is increased in order of the bottom line advancement. The amount of each funnel is controlled in strict accordance with the allowable percentage of ore discharge so that the ore contact surface remains at the specified slope.
The rate of ore mining is an important parameter for controlling the ore discharge. It is mainly limited by the rate of collapse, generally 0.15 ~ 0.3m / d, up to 1.0 ~ 1.2m / d. The ore can be collapsed for a large value, and the ore body is difficult to collapse. This is the average rate of ore-mining. In fact, each ore-concentrating funnel has different ore-mining speeds. Generally, in the initial stage of ore-mining, the ore collapses slowly, and there are many large blocks. The secondary blasting is frequent, and the rate of ore-mining cannot be fast, so the low value is taken; when the ore is placed under the overburden, the ore-mining speed can be appropriately accelerated. In addition, the necessary adjustments should be made in a timely manner according to the lag of the ore hopper or the advance mining plan.
Since the rate of collapse of an ore body is difficult to predict accurately before mining, it is only possible to estimate an average rate of ore discharge based on the collapseability and reference to similar mines. Generally, it is advantageous to produce small in the initial stage of production, and then adjust with the increase of production experience or according to the measured rate of collapse.
The number N of the concentrating funnels required to meet the ore production requirements can be determined as follows:



KS d γ u

Where P - ore production, t / d;
K——the utilization rate of the release hopper, %;
S d - the area of ​​the ore discharged by each of the ore hoppers, m 2 ;
U——average mining speed, m/d;
γ - ore bulk density, t / m 3 .
The controlled ore discharge is mainly determined by the ore-mining engineer according to the allowable ore-receiving percentage, ore-mining rate and production requirements of each ore-concentrating funnel, and the daily and class mining instructions (including the ore-mining location and the ore-mining quota of each ore-concentrating funnel) are formulated. , the release of the squad leader. The ore-mining workers release the ore according to the instructions. At the end of the shift, the actual ore-mining amount of each of the ore-concentrating funnels is reported to the mine-discharging engineer and entered into the computer. The ore-mining engineer adjusts the quota of the daily and class mines according to the allowable ore-receiving percentage after each change of the mine-distributing funnel and the accumulated ore amount actually released. During the ore mining process, samples are taken at each mine site according to regulations, and the test results are input into the computer. At the later stage of the ore release, the sample should be encrypted and visually observed. The ore-mining engineer decides whether to stop the ore-mining according to the amount of minerals and grade.

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