How to buy used cars should be how to check the car This is a constant hot topic, today in my opinion to talk about some of my views, perhaps there is not a good place, but also please a lot of Haihan. At the time of the vehicle inspection, our first car body will firstly inspect the appearance of the car body. The appearance is indeed very important, because there are a lot of car repair technologies that are already very mature and perfect, so many people even if they are very big The degree of destruction can be repaired as usual, and it will not be seen after repairing and selling it again. Therefore, when we examine the car, we not only need to look at the appearance, but also feel the feel of each body, especially Is it smooth and delicate, the body has no bulge, in particular, we can observe the location of the bumper, there is no skew and so on, as well as the general body is symmetrical, so we have to do far when the vehicle inspection Views and recent investigations, of course, all this observation is best done in daylight, because all the repair techniques have not been able to escape the exposure of sunlight, if there is no sunlight, but in the indoor exhibition hall, then we can choose Observing an oblique position facing the sun, the effect is also possible. When buying a used car, you must not only look at the situation outside the car, but also observe the details inside the car. Open the door and look at it. The paint on the edge of the door is not the same, because many cars are repaired. Their color is Can not reach the color of the previous body, and the color inside the car door is the original color of the car, so take a closer look at the color of the two is not the same. In addition, whether or not the retrofitting is a point to purchase second-hand cars to pay attention to, many of us think that some of the performance must be played after the installation, but for buyers, they want to be original, without any Refit the treated car, so in this regard we must carefully check the other samples of this car to test. Haotian Hardware Wire Mesh Products Co.,Ltd ,