The "2015 China Petrochemical Industry Qualified Supplier for Drying Equipment" review ended

On April 18, the SPC Supplier Work Committee convened the “2015 China Petrochemical Industry Qualified Suppliers of Dry Equipment and Its Leading Products” review meeting.

The assessment of the drying equipment supplier is the first pilot of the supplier's service board qualified supplier review, the company's recommendation through industry associations and professional groups, recommendation by industry experts, recommendation of key companies in the oil and chemical industry, self-recommendation and work The staff of the committee invites volunteers to fill in the application materials. 67 enterprises applied online. According to the completeness of the materials submitted by enterprises, as well as the recommendations of the drying equipment industry associations and professional groups, 20 final examination enterprises were finalized, covering more than 90% of the outstanding enterprises selected by the drying equipment industry associations and professional groups, and the annual sales. The total income is close to 3 billion yuan, accounting for more than 80% of the demand for drying equipment in the petroleum and chemical industries in the country.

The review will invite the supplier's working committee, the Chemical Engineering Committee of the China Chemical Industry Society, the Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute of Shenyang Chemical Industry, the China National Petrochemical Engineering Construction Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Coal Chemical Technology Research Institute, Hualu Hengsheng Group Co., Ltd., and Wanhua Chemical. Group companies such as joint stock companies and enterprise experts serve as members of the Jury Committee.

In accordance with the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, the review committee reviewed the first batch of 14 qualified suppliers of drying equipment and their leading products. At present, the review results have been publicized on the National Petroleum and Chemical Network.

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