Denitrification rate measuring device


A mixed gas containing nitrogen oxides, ammonia gas, oxygen gas, nitrogen gas, and water vapor is passed through the active coke layer, and the nitrogen oxides in the gas are selectively discharged by ammonia ( SCR ) into nitrogen gas. When the SCR reaction reaches a steady state, the ratio of the volume fraction of converted nitrogen oxides to the volume fraction of nitrogen oxides introduced into the gas is the denitration rate of active coke.

experiment procedure

The sample was loaded into the reactor constant temperature zone, and the upper and lower ends were filled with porcelain rings to make up the height. The preheater was heated to 300 degrees and the reactor was heated to 120 degrees. Follow the steps below to adjust the mixture flow rate to 47.84 L/min (standard state). The initial valve is closed for all valves. Open the exhaust valve, install the flowmeter connected to the raw gas measuring port, open the oxygen valve, nitrogen valve, nitric oxide valve, ammonia valve, and adjust the flow to the target flow through each flowmeter. Recording ammonia, oxygen and nitrogen oxide volume fraction (volume fraction of nitric oxide 200PPM, the volume fraction of 6.4% oxygen, ammonia gas volume fraction 200PPM). If the nitrogen oxide, ammonia, or oxygen volume fraction is not within the required range and the flow rate needs to be adjusted, the total flow rate needs to be measured. After the adjustment, the measured volume fraction of nitrogen oxides is recorded. After the temperature, gas flow [ dry, (standard state) ] and the volume fraction of the gas meet the test requirements, open the water valve and adjust the water flow meter until the amount of water passed through is vaporized by the preheater to reach a total gas flow of 52 L/min ( Standard state) Close the vent valve, open the reaction valve, pass the mixture into the reactor and start timing. The volume fraction of nitrogen oxide (dry) in the tail gas was measured every 120 minutes . When the difference in the nitrogen oxide (dry) volume fraction in the exhaust gas for four consecutive measurements is not greater than 5 PPM , the test is stopped and the nitrogen oxide off- gas score is recorded.

Test Data

The denitrification rate is measured in x and the result is expressed in % , calculated according to the following formula:


In the formula:

p-------- Numeric value of nitrogen oxide fraction in raw gas (dry);

P1------ The value of the nitrogen oxide (dry) volume fraction in the tail gas before the termination of the test.

Test results are expressed as an arithmetic mean, accurate to 3 significant figures.

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