Asia's largest industrial combustion research and development base opened

Drying equipment

On June 28, Honeywell-Ruichang Petrochemical Asia-Pacific Joint R&D Center and Manufacturing Base Integration Project jointly invested by Luoyang Ruichang Petrochemical Equipment Co., Ltd. and Honeywell's UOP Kellert Company was established in Luoyang National, Henan Province. Hi-tech development zone laid the foundation. After the completion of the first phase of the burner test R&D center, it will be Asia's largest and Asia's first world-class burner testing and development center to meet Western product performance standards.

Leisuwash 360 Mini Touch Free Car Wash

Leisuwash specializing in manufacture Automatic Car Wash Machine, Touchless Car Wash , Automatic Touchless Car Wash, touchless car wash equipment, robot car wash, smart car wash system, leisuwash 360, leisuwash leibao 360, laserwash 360, leisuwash touchless car wash machine, leisu wash touchless car wash automatic, leisu wash 360 high pressure touchless car wash equipment, robo car wash, touch free car wash, leisuwash 360 touch free car wash, leisuwash 360 price, automatic car wash price, leisuwash in malaysia, no touch automatic car wash machine, leisuwash 360 mini, leisuwash SG fully automatic car wash equipment.

Leisuwash 360 mini touchless car wash machine high intelligent high quality, with car wash + car care + drying process totally, each car wash takes time 1 minute to 5 minutes which depends on the car wash mode.

Leisuwash 360 mini Automatic Car Wash Machine provide lower investment for car wash owners in order to deliver a better return on investment, specially designed for the car wash bays with limited sizes, suitable for car service station, petrol station, Auto dealers, 4S shop etc. Completely system include under chassis wash system, pre-soak application system, high pressure wash system, overglow Hi-gloss system, wax application system, chemical mixing system, intergrated air drying system, mounting frames.

Touchfree Car Wash,Leisuwash 360 Mini,Car Wash Systems,Leisure Touchless Car Wash

Hangzhou Leisu Cleaning Equipment Co.,Ltd ,