Electronic Densitometer Water Temperature Compensation Method

Electronic Densitometer Water Temperature Compensation Method We all know that the electronic densitometer is the most professional detection instrument for detecting the density of materials. Under normal circumstances, water is used as a medium for measurement, which is not only convenient but also economical and practical. What are the methods of water temperature compensation for electronic densitometers?

The density of water varies with temperature. When a professional electronic densitometer measures water as a medium, the instrument has a function of temperature compensation. To make the density measurement more accurate and reduce the error during operation, we need to carry out Water temperature compensation settings.

Electronic density meter water temperature compensation method:

1. When setting the weight of the standard weight in distilled water, the actual temperature of the distilled water must be set first, and the specific gravity of water will change with the temperature of the water. Therefore, it is necessary to use the specific gravity of 1.000 as the basis of water. Temperature compensation.

2. For the temperature compensation coefficient of water, our electron density meter has been deposited at 0-49 degrees centigrade. After measuring the actual temperature of the water with temperature before testing, change the corresponding temperature to the temperature indicated by the thermometer. (Water temperature difference of 6 degrees will differ by 0.001).

3. The default temperature of the electronic density meter factory is 25 degrees. Press the [A] key for a long time to enter the temperature value modification.

4, the steps are as follows:

1. Press and hold the [A] button until the screen displays [C25].

2. Press [A] to modify the number and [ZERO] to shift.

3. After confirming the change, press [ENTER] to confirm, confirm the modification and return to the mode to be tested.

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