BASIC BEARING NUMBER BORE(d) O.D.(D) WIDTH(B) WEIGHT mm mm mm kg inch inch inch lb 6000 10 26 8 0.019 0.3937 1.0236 0.315 0.042 6001 12 28 8 0.021 0.4724 1.1024 0.315 0.046 6002 15 32 9 0.03 0.5906 1.2598 0.3543 0.066 6003 17 35 10 0.039 0.6693 1.378 0.3937 0.086 6004 20 42 12 0.069 0.7874 1.6535 0.4724 0.152 6005 25 47 12 0.08 0.9843 1.8504 0.4724 0.176 6006 30 55 13 0.116 1.1811 2.1654 0.5118 0.256 6007 35 62 14 0.155 1.378 2.4409 0.5512 0.342 6008 40 68 15 0.19 1.5748 2.6772 0.5906 0.419 6009 45 75 16 0.237 1.7717 2.9528 0.6299 0.522 6010 50 80 16 0.261 1.9685 3.1496 0.6299 0.575 6011 55 90 18 0.388 2.1654 3.5433 0.7087 0.855 6012 60 95 18 0.414 2.3622 3.7402 0.7087 0.913 6013 65 100 18 0.421 2.5591 3.9370 0.7087 0.908 6014 70 110 20 0.604 2.7559 4.3307 0.7874 1.332 6015 75 115 20 0.649 2.9528 4.5276 0.7874 1.431 6016 80 125 22 0.854 3.1496 4.9213 0.8661 1.883 6017 85 130 22 0.890 3.3465 5.1181 0.8661 1.962 6018 90 140 24 1.020 3.5433 5.5118 0.9499 2.249 6019 95 145 24 1.080 3.7402 5.7087 0.9499 2.381 6020 100 150 24 1.150 3.9370 5.9055 0.9499 2.535 6021 105 160 26 1.590 4.1339 6.2992 1.0236 3.505 6022 110 170 28 1.960 4.3308 6.6929 1.1024 4.321 6024 120 180 28 2.000 4.7244 7.0866 1.1024 4.4000 6026 130 200 33 2.000 5.1181 7.8740 1.2992 4.4000 6028 140 210 33 2.000 5.5118 8.2677 1.2992 4.4000 6030 150 225 35 2.100 5.9055 8.8583 1.3780 4.6200 BASIC BEARING NUMBER BORE(d) O.D.(D) WIDTH(B) WEIGHT mm mm mm kg inch inch inch lb 6200 10 30 9 0.032 0.3937 1.1811 0.3534 0.071 6201 12 32 10 0.037 0.4724 1.2598 0.3937 0.082 6202 15 35 11 0.045 0.5906 1.378 0.4331 0.099 6203 17 40 12 0.066 0.6693 1.5748 0.4724 0.146 6204 20 47 14 0.106 0.7874 1.8504 0.5512 0.234 6205 25 52 15 0.128 0.9843 2.0472 0.5906 0.282 6206 30 62 16 0.199 1.1811 2.4409 0.6299 0.439 6207 35 72 17 0.288 1.3780 2.8346 0.6693 0.635 6208 40 80 18 0.366 1.5748 3.1496 0.7087 0.807 6209 45 85 19 0.398 1.7717 3.3465 0.7480 0.877 6210 50 90 20 0.454 1.9685 3.5433 0.7874 1.001 6211 55 100 21 0.601 2.1654 3.9370 0.8266 1.325 6212 60 110 22 0.783 2.3622 4.3307 0.8661 1.726 6213 65 120 23 0.990 2.5591 4.7244 0.9055 2.183 6214 70 125 24 1.070 2.7559 4.9213 0.9449 2.359 6215 75 130 25 1.180 2.9528 5.1181 0.9843 2.601 6216 80 140 26 1.400 3.1496 5.5118 1.0236 3.086 6217 85 150 28 1.790 3.3465 5.9055 1.1024 3.946 6218 90 160 30 2.150 3.5433 6.2992 1.1811 4.740 6219 95 170 32 2.620 3.7402 6.6929 1.2598 5.776 6220 100 180 34 3.140 3.9370 7.0866 1.3386 6.922 6221 105 190 36 3.700 4.1339 7.4803 1.4173 8.157 6222 110 200 38 4.360 4.3307 7.8740 1.4961 9.612  BASIC BEARING NUMBER BORE(d) O.D.(D) WIDTH(B) WEIGHT mm mm mm kg inch inch inch lb 6300 10 35 11 0.053 0.3937 1.378 0.4331 0.117 6301 12 37 12 0.060 0.4724 1.4567 0.4724 0.132 6302 15 42 13 0.082 0.5906 1.6535 0.5118 0.181 6303 17 47 14 0.115 0.6693 1.8504 0.5512 0.254 6304 20 52 15 0.144 0.7874 2.0472 0.5906 0.318 6305 25 62 17 0.232 0.9843 2.4409 0.6693 0.512 6306 30 72 19 0.360 1.1811 2.8346 0.7480 0.794 6307 35 80 21 0.457 1.378 3.1496 0.8266 1.008 6308 40 90 23 0.630 1.5748 3.5433 0.9055 1.389 6309 45 100 25 0.814 1.7717 3.9370 0.9843 1.795 6310 50 110 27 1.070 1.9685 4.3307 1.0630 2.359 6311 55 120 29 1.370 2.1654 4.7244 1.1417 3.020 6312 60 130 31 1.730 2.3622 5.1181 1.2205 3.814 6313 65 140 33 2.080 2.5591 5.5118 1.2992 4.586 6314 70 150 35 2.520 2.7559 5.9055 1.3780 5.556 6315 75 160 37 3.020 2.9528 6.2992 1.4567 6.658 6316 80 170 39 3.590 3.1496 6.6929 1.5354 7.915 6317 85 180 41 4.230 3.3465 7.0866 1.6142 9.326 6318 90 190 43 4.910 3.5433 7.4803 1.6929 10.825 6319 95 200 45 5.670 3.7402 7.8740 1.7717 12.500 6320 100 215 47 7.000 3.937 8.4646 1.8504 15.432 6321 105 225 49 8.050 4.1339 8.8583 1.9291 17.747 6322 115 240 50 9.540 4.5276 9.4488 1.9685 21.032    BASIC BEARING NUMBER BORE(d) O.D.(D) WIDTH(B) WEIGHT mm mm mm kg inch inch inch lb 6000 10 26 8 0.019 0.3937 1.0236 0.315 0.042 6001 12 28 8 0.021 0.4724 1.1024 0.315 0.046 6002 15 32 9 0.03 0.5906 1.2598 0.3543 0.066 6003 17 35 10 0.039 0.6693 1.378 0.3937 0.086 6004 20 42 12 0.069 0.7874 1.6535 0.4724 0.152 6005 25 47 12 0.08 0.9843 1.8504 0.4724 0.176 6006 30 55 13 0.116 1.1811 2.1654 0.5118 0.256 6007 35 62 14 0.155 1.378 2.4409 0.5512 0.342 6008 40 68 15 0.19 1.5748 2.6772 0.5906 0.419 6009 45 75 16 0.237 1.7717 2.9528 0.6299 0.522 6010 50 80 16 0.261 1.9685 3.1496 0.6299 0.575 6011 55 90 18 0.388 2.1654 3.5433 0.7087 0.855 6012 60 95 18 0.414 2.3622 3.7402 0.7087 0.913 6013 65 100 18 0.421 2.5591 3.9370 0.7087 0.908 6014 70 110 20 0.604 2.7559 4.3307 0.7874 1.332 6015 75 115 20 0.649 2.9528 4.5276 0.7874 1.431 6016 80 125 22 0.854 3.1496 4.9213 0.8661 1.883 6017 85 130 22 0.890 3.3465 5.1181 0.8661 1.962 6018 90 140 24 1.020 3.5433 5.5118 0.9499 2.249 6019 95 145 24 1.080 3.7402 5.7087 0.9499 2.381 6020 100 150 24 1.150 3.9370 5.9055 0.9499 2.535 6021 105 160 26 1.590 4.1339 6.2992 1.0236 3.505 6022 110 170 28 1.960 4.3308 6.6929 1.1024 4.321 6024 120 180 28 2.000 4.7244 7.0866 1.1024 4.4000 6026 130 200 33 2.000 5.1181 7.8740 1.2992 4.4000 6028 140 210 33 2.000 5.5118 8.2677 1.2992 4.4000 6030 150 225 35 2.100 5.9055 8.8583 1.3780 4.6200 BASIC BEARING NUMBER BORE(d) O.D.(D) WIDTH(B) WEIGHT mm mm mm kg inch inch inch lb 6200 10 30 9 0.032 0.3937 1.1811 0.3534 0.071 6201 12 32 10 0.037 0.4724 1.2598 0.3937 0.082 6202 15 35 11 0.045 0.5906 1.378 0.4331 0.099 6203 17 40 12 0.066 0.6693 1.5748 0.4724 0.146 6204 20 47 14 0.106 0.7874 1.8504 0.5512 0.234 6205 25 52 15 0.128 0.9843 2.0472 0.5906 0.282 6206 30 62 16 0.199 1.1811 2.4409 0.6299 0.439 6207 35 72 17 0.288 1.3780 2.8346 0.6693 0.635 6208 40 80 18 0.366 1.5748 3.1496 0.7087 0.807 6209 45 85 19 0.398 1.7717 3.3465 0.7480 0.877 6210 50 90 20 0.454 1.9685 3.5433 0.7874 1.001 6211 55 100 21 0.601 2.1654 3.9370 0.8266 1.325 6212 60 110 22 0.783 2.3622 4.3307 0.8661 1.726 6213 65 120 23 0.990 2.5591 4.7244 0.9055 2.183 6214 70 125 24 1.070 2.7559 4.9213 0.9449 2.359 6215 75 130 25 1.180 2.9528 5.1181 0.9843 2.601 6216 80 140 26 1.400 3.1496 5.5118 1.0236 3.086 6217 85 150 28 1.790 3.3465 5.9055 1.1024 3.946 6218 90 160 30 2.150 3.5433 6.2992 1.1811 4.740 6219 95 170 32 2.620 3.7402 6.6929 1.2598 5.776 6220 100 180 34 3.140 3.9370 7.0866 1.3386 6.922 6221 105 190 36 3.700 4.1339 7.4803 1.4173 8.157 6222 110 200 38 4.360 4.3307 7.8740 1.4961 9.612  BASIC BEARING NUMBER BORE(d) O.D.(D) WIDTH(B) WEIGHT mm mm mm kg inch inch inch lb 6300 10 35 11 0.053 0.3937 1.378 0.4331 0.117 6301 12 37 12 0.060 0.4724 1.4567 0.4724 0.132 6302 15 42 13 0.082 0.5906 1.6535 0.5118 0.181 6303 17 47 14 0.115 0.6693 1.8504 0.5512 0.254 6304 20 52 15 0.144 0.7874 2.0472 0.5906 0.318 6305 25 62 17 0.232 0.9843 2.4409 0.6693 0.512 6306 30 72 19 0.360 1.1811 2.8346 0.7480 0.794 6307 35 80 21 0.457 1.378 3.1496 0.8266 1.008 6308 40 90 23 0.630 1.5748 3.5433 0.9055 1.389 6309 45 100 25 0.814 1.7717 3.9370 0.9843 1.795 6310 50 110 27 1.070 1.9685 4.3307 1.0630 2.359 6311 55 120 29 1.370 2.1654 4.7244 1.1417 3.020 6312 60 130 31 1.730 2.3622 5.1181 1.2205 3.814 6313 65 140 33 2.080 2.5591 5.5118 1.2992 4.586 6314 70 150 35 2.520 2.7559 5.9055 1.3780 5.556 6315 75 160 37 3.020 2.9528 6.2992 1.4567 6.658 6316 80 170 39 3.590 3.1496 6.6929 1.5354 7.915 6317 85 180 41 4.230 3.3465 7.0866 1.6142 9.326 6318 90 190 43 4.910 3.5433 7.4803 1.6929 10.825 6319 95 200 45 5.670 3.7402 7.8740 1.7717 12.500 6320 100 215 47 7.000 3.937 8.4646 1.8504 15.432 6321 105 225 49 8.050 4.1339 8.8583 1.9291 17.747 6322 115 240 50 9.540 4.5276 9.4488 1.9685 21.032   Dump Semi Trailer,Semi Dump Trailers For Sale,Semi Trailer End Dump Truck,Semi Truck Dump Trailer SHANGQIU CITY TONGDA SPECIAL VEHICLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED ,
Deep groove ball bearing  are the most widely used bearing type, especially in electric motors. These non-separable bearings are suitable for high speeds. The deep uninterrupted raceway grooves have a close osculation with the balls, enabling the bearings to accommodate radial loads and axial loads in both directions. Bearings with a bore diameter d ≤ 45 mm are most suitable for electric motors in the power range of 0,15 up to 15 kW as well as power tools and high-speed drives.Â
Deep Groove ball bearing  are the most popular of all the ball bearing types because they are available in a wide variety of seal, shield and snap-ring arrangements.The bearing ring grooves are circular arcs made slightly larger than the radius of the ball.The balls make point contact with the raceways (elliptical contact when loaded). The inner ring shoulders are of equal height (as the outer ring shoulders). Deep Groove ball bearings can sustain radial, axial, or composite loads and because of simple design, this bearing type can be produced to provide both high-running accuracy and high-speed operation. Standard ball retainers (cages) are made from pressed steel. Machined cages are used in bearing operation at very high speed or for large diameter bearings.
Why to choose Huihao Bearing?
1, We provide you with right products.
Huihao supplies all kinds of standard bearings, and can also produce special bearings according to your drawings or samples.
Whatever bearings you need, Huihao will try its best meet your expectation.
2, We assure the fine quality.Â
Huihao's technology team can fully understand your engineering requirements and we make sure all our productsÂ
correspond with your required standard . Our own factory and cooperative partner are all awarded the ISO 9000 Quality Management System Certificate, they're strict with the production.Â
3, We're efficient.
We have enough stock of standard bearings.
Our efficiency is not only in production, but also in logistics. We're very familiar with export procedures and we've built a worldwide logistics net. We do our best to save your time.
4, Our price is reasonable.Â
Huihao fixes the price strictly based on the material cost and labor cost. Our price is always competitive in the market.
5, The satisfactory service.
Huihao has specialized staff for every case. If you have any query, need, requirement, you may contact them by emailÂ
or skype, and you will always get reply in time because they know how you deserve. This is a very important reason for which all our customers are enjoying working with us.
Deep groove ball bearing  are the most widely used bearing type, especially in electric motors. These non-separable bearings are suitable for high speeds. The deep uninterrupted raceway grooves have a close osculation with the balls, enabling the bearings to accommodate radial loads and axial loads in both directions. Bearings with a bore diameter d ≤ 45 mm are most suitable for electric motors in the power range of 0,15 up to 15 kW as well as power tools and high-speed drives.Â
Deep Groove ball bearing  are the most popular of all the ball bearing types because they are available in a wide variety of seal, shield and snap-ring arrangements.The bearing ring grooves are circular arcs made slightly larger than the radius of the ball.The balls make point contact with the raceways (elliptical contact when loaded). The inner ring shoulders are of equal height (as the outer ring shoulders). Deep Groove ball bearings can sustain radial, axial, or composite loads and because of simple design, this bearing type can be produced to provide both high-running accuracy and high-speed operation. Standard ball retainers (cages) are made from pressed steel. Machined cages are used in bearing operation at very high speed or for large diameter bearings.
Why to choose Huihao Bearing?
1, We provide you with right products.
Huihao supplies all kinds of standard bearings, and can also produce special bearings according to your drawings or samples.
Whatever bearings you need, Huihao will try its best meet your expectation.
2, We assure the fine quality.Â
Huihao's technology team can fully understand your engineering requirements and we make sure all our productsÂ
correspond with your required standard . Our own factory and cooperative partner are all awarded the ISO 9000 Quality Management System Certificate, they're strict with the production.Â
3, We're efficient.
We have enough stock of standard bearings.
Our efficiency is not only in production, but also in logistics. We're very familiar with export procedures and we've built a worldwide logistics net. We do our best to save your time.
4, Our price is reasonable.Â
Huihao fixes the price strictly based on the material cost and labor cost. Our price is always competitive in the market.
5, The satisfactory service.
Huihao has specialized staff for every case. If you have any query, need, requirement, you may contact them by emailÂ
or skype, and you will always get reply in time because they know how you deserve. This is a very important reason for which all our customers are enjoying working with us.
Original Auto Wheel Hub Bearing, Cylindrical Roller Bearing
Model NO.: 604, 608, 6000, 6202, 6300, 6319, etc.
Bore Size: 4-100mm
Outside Diameter: 4-1150 mm
Width: 1.6-155mm
Seals Type: Open 2z 2RS Z RS
Clearance: C0, C2, C3, C4, C5
Vibration: Zv1, Zv2 and Zv3
Precision Rating: P0, P6, P5
Trademark: China brand. neutral, or OEM
Transport Package: Industrial Packing, Box, or as Requirement
Specification: 604, 608, 6000, 6202, 6300, 6319, etc.
Origin: China
HS Code: 8482102000
Model NO.: 604, 608, 6000, 6202, 6300, 6319, etc.
Bore Size: 4-100mm
Outside Diameter: 4-1150 mm
Width: 1.6-155mm
Seals Type: Open 2z 2RS Z RS
Clearance: C0, C2, C3, C4, C5
Vibration: Zv1, Zv2 and Zv3
Precision Rating: P0, P6, P5
Trademark: China brand. neutral, or OEM
Transport Package: Industrial Packing, Box, or as Requirement
Specification: 604, 608, 6000, 6202, 6300, 6319, etc.
Origin: China
HS Code: 8482102000
Deep groove ball bearing  are the most common type and are used in a wide variety of applications. Not only are they capable of supporting radial loads but also moderate axial loads in either direction. Due to their low torque, they are suitable for applications where high speed and low power loss is required. They are easy to mount and suitable for many different configurations.Â