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According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, global green energy investment increased to 53.1 billion U.S. dollars in the second quarter of 2013. In the first quarter of this year, green energy investment hit a four-year low of 43.6 billion U.S. dollars, up 39% in the second quarter from the first quarter. This is almost entirely attributed to the huge growth in the U.S. and China markets from the previous quarter, At 9.5 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 155% from the previous quarter and the latter at 13.8 billion U.S. dollars, up 63% from the previous quarter.
However, such heavy volume growth can not offset the huge decline in European investment in solar power and wind farms. In the second quarter, European investment in this area was US $ 9.5 billion, a decrease of 44%. This set a single-quarter low in 6 years in Europe and, as Europe has been the world's largest clean energy market, this has resulted in a much lower global clean energy investment than the 63.1 billion U.S. dollars in the same period last year.
The downturn in Europe is not surprising - the controversy over the fall in subsidies for solar feed-in tariffs in Germany and other countries continues, as a group of European solar manufacturers have been bankrupted by Chinese product seizures and large-scale offshore wind projects in Europe have not been so smooth ... ...
Of course, apart from this, Europe is experiencing an economic crisis that may even threaten the survival and survival of the single currency of the European Union, the euro. The German government's decision to shut down all its nuclear power plants by 2020 should boost demand for wind power and solar power. However, the upcoming general election in September will make the country's energy policy less clear and raise investors' worries.
Conversely, in the United States, the Federal Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind power projects and some large-scale solar financing in the second quarter (such as Sino-U.S. Renewable energy invested $ 2.5 billion in California's 681 MW solar photovoltaic power generation project) , Obviously promoted the green investment.
Other noteworthy countries include Japan, which invested $ 7.6 billion in Q2, down 7% from the previous quarter; Australia posted $ 2.3 billion in the second quarter, almost 6 times the previous quarter; South Africa in the second quarter Clean energy investment reached 2.8 billion US dollars, a quarter of "almost zero."
In the second quarter of 2013, global cleantech investment reached 53.1 billion U.S. dollars
The latest global green energy investment figures have surfaced. The United States and China are rising all the way up and Europe is still going down. This shows that government policies are still very important in the industry's attempt to recover after the economic downturn.