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China's rubber industry lacks stamina for development
According to statistics on the economic indicators of the 30 major rubber machinery manufacturers in the country in 2011, the major economic indicators such as sales revenue, profits, and foreign exchange earned through exports in the rubber machinery industry in China have reached a record high, and mainstream manufacturers have accelerated the pace of international operations. However, with the rapid development of rubber machinery in our country, it shows signs of unbalanced development and lack of stamina. It is necessary to further adjust the product structure, develop high-end products, and accelerate the pace of internationalization before sustained healthy development is possible.
Statistics show that sales revenue of rubber machinery of 30 major rubber machinery manufacturers was 8.85 billion yuan in 2011, an increase of 18% over the previous year. It is estimated that the total sales revenue of China's rubber machinery industry in 2011 reached 11.6 billion yuan, which is higher than 2009. 10.5%. According to sales revenue rankings, Soft Control shares, Dalian Rubber, Yiyang Rubber Machinery, Guilin Rubber Machinery, Double Star Machinery, Fujian Sanming, Tianjin Saixiang, Beijing Beidai Technology, Beijing Jingye and Guilin Rubber are among the top 10. The growth of sales revenue of rubber machinery was unbalanced. The total sales revenue of software control shares and Dalian Rubber and Plastics increased by nearly 1 billion yuan, accounting for the majority of the country’s revenue growth. Sales revenue dropped or remained unchanged at 21 companies, accounting for 75% of the total. At the same time, the increase in sales revenue showed the phenomenon of “twofold days†in the first and second half of the year. In the first half of the year, production and sales were generally booming, and orders fell sharply in the second half of the year. In the second half of the year, production mainly relied on orders from the first half of the year, and some companies had insufficient production tasks. The degree of concentration of the industry has increased substantially. The proportion of top three sales revenues has increased from 26.5% to 33.5%, and the proportion of top ten companies has increased from 55.3% to 59.8%.